College Council News

Pedestrian Crossing Campaign Victory
Glen Eira College Council recently received formal notification from the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, the Hon Luke Donnellan MP, that the Booran Road pedestrian crossing will be upgraded in 2018.
VicRoads will install four new electronic speed signs on Booran Road in Caulfield East outside the College.
Minister Donnellan wrote "The signs will display 40km/h during the extended hours of 8am-5pm, school days, and are expected to improve safety of students crossing Booran Road throughout the day".
VicRoads expects to commence the work early this year with completion by June 2018.
On behalf of the College community and College Council, I would like to thank you all for your support on this crucial safety issue. It was wonderful to have the support of the community with 415 signatures on the online petition and many signatures on our petition that was presented to Parliament in September 2017. Thanks to all the students, staff, parents, friends, grandparents, aunties and uncles and neighbours who signed the petition in support of improved safety for our children. Thanks also to those who wrote to the Minister, our local Members of Parliament and Glen Eira Council on this issue.
I would like to thank Minister Donnellan and VicRoads for making these changes to improve the safety of the Booran Road pedestrian crossing for our children. Thanks to our local Members of Parliament and the Glen Eira Council for their strong support and advocacy in the campaign.
The success of this long campaign demonstrates to students that if a community pulls together on a strong cause, we can effect positive change through persistence, advocacy and collaboration.
Let's hope there are no accidents in the meantime and we look forward to a safer school crossing in 2018.
Have a great 2018.
Ruth Gordon
Glen Eira College Council President