From the Assistant Principals

Welcome back to all our students. A particular welcome to our new students and Year 7 students. We are very pleased with the performance of our students in the first few weeks. They are making learning their focus, presenting themselves well in their uniforms and treating each other with kindness and respect.
Please find below important dates to note for this semester. If you do not have access to Xuno or have lost your password please contact the General Office.
Reporting timeline – Semester 1, 2018
Years 7-11 Progress reports - 3 times per semester
Year 12 Progress reports - 2 in term 1, 3 in term 2
Assessment Task Criteria
Parent Teacher Interviews Term 1
Parent teacher interviews will occur at the following times;
Year 10 – 12: Week 8 Tuesday 20th March 2.25pm – 6.30pm
Year 7 – 9: Week 9 Wednesday 28th March 2.25pm – 7.15pm
On each parent teacher interview day classes will conclude at 2.00pm. Bookings will be made available through Xuno the week prior to each day.
Last day of term – Thursday 29th March
The last day of term is the cross country event. Students will be dismissed at 1.30pm from Caulfield Park.
Nick Hamer-Smith
Assistant Principal
GEC Swimming Carnival and Enrichment Opportunities
It is my absolute pleasure to introduce myself as one of Glen Eira College’s new staff members. I join the school as an Assistant Principal after three years as Director of Teaching and Learning at Lauriston Girls’ School’s Howqua Campus. Prior to this I spent time at Carwatha College P-12 and as a Teaching and Learning Coach with the Department of Education and Training (DET). When I’m not at the college, I can be found spending time with my wife and our four children. I’m also a keen runner and cyclist who takes every possible opportunity to explore the natural environment. I have already begun to know many of students and I look forward to meeting parents and carers in the coming weeks.
The college’s first major house carnival kicked off last week at the annual House Swimming Carnival. In the battle of red vs. gold. vs. green vs. blue, students in all year levels and the English language Centre were given the opportunity to earn points for their house in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. Those students who qualified for the Beachside Division interschool competition will represent the school on Tuesday 6th March.
For those who focused on participation over competition, there were lots of opportunities to be involved beyond the traditional swimming events. House spirit was shown by way of appropriately coloured clothing and I would like to extend my thanks to the House Captains for the work they did in preparing their peers for the day. The novelty events and beach volleyball competitions were a great way for everyone to get involved. Whilst the diving competition lacked the grace of an Olympic final it certainly provided a very entertaining spectacle.
Glen Eira College is proud to offer a range of enrichment and extension activities to our students. On Monday 12th February, selected Year 9 students were invited to attend the TAASS (The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools) Exploration Day at the Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre. This event is designed to introduce select Year 9 students to the University of Melbourne’s Parkville campus, and to experience some of the opportunities available to the University’s students. The day included a lecture on how to Design a Path to a Sustainable Planet, a tour of Melbourne University’s campus and an afternoon workshop with Engineers Without Borders, an NGO that specialises in providing assistance to developing countries. As 2018 progresses, there will be further opportunities for all students to participate in exciting activities that further enrich their academic studies including the World Scholars’ Cup at Genezzano College.
As a keen cyclist myself, I have been encouraged to see so many students riding their bikes to school. Students who ride or walk to school are much more likely to achieve the minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day. Evidence also shows that they are also more focused and ready to learn compared to those who are driven. If you are a parent who drives their children to school, please help keep our cycling students safe by slowing down and allowing enough space when you pass a cyclist. When parked in front of the school, get into the habit of always using your mirrors and doing a head check before opening your car door. When getting into your car, face the passing traffic so you can see bike riders travelling towards you. Together, we can ensure all our students are safe during their journey to Glen Eira College.
Aaron Petersen
Assistant Principal