From the Principal

Welcome to all students and families - returning and new. It has been a great start to the year for students and staff. Our wonderful Parents & Friends association organised our annual second hand uniform sale just prior to school commencing. Many families were able to take advantage of the opportunity. Thank you to the team of hard working parents who were on hand to help.
The swimming sports were a great success – not to mention very colourful with staff and students dressed in their house colours.
Later this week you will receive information and a ballot paper for Parent Representatives for School Council for the period March 2018 - February 2020. We have four nominations for three positions. Please ensure your ballot paper reaches the General Office by Tuesday 13th March at 4pm.
Candidates have the opportunity to provide a brief statement to the community that will be included in the information that is being mailed home. The Department of Education and Training states that no campaign literature supporting candidates or groups of candidates may be distributed or posted in the school and no school resources, whether human or material, may be used to support particular candidates or groups of candidates.
Our staff spent the first day of the year engaged in professional learning. With so many new staff we took time to:
- review our 2017 staff, student and parent survey data
- ensure a common understanding of our Behaviour for Learning Process and our SABRE instructional model
- provide Learning Areas with an opportunity to work together
Our focus for 2018 is to continue to improve outcomes for each of our students, providing them with a challenging and supportive learning environment with a range of opportunities to develop their skills and talents.
Our goals and Key Improvement strategies from the 2018 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) are below.
On Wednesday 14th February staff were involved in a full day of professional learning centered on the Performance and Development Program in which all staff participate. It was wonderful to have every staff member working together no matter what their role in the school.
Our facilitator, Sue Perillo was excellent and challenged our thinking. We engaged in a range of activities, discussed feedback for improvement and worked on our goals. All staff will complete goals under the DET headings:
- Student Outcomes
- Professional Knowledge
- Professional Engagement
- Professional Practice
‘The Glen Eira 5’ is a document that articulates the practices behind the promises we make as a staff.
The Glen Eira 5
5 promises teachers make to our students;
- maintain a safe learning environment.
- know how you learn and what direction your learning should take.
- make classes engaging.
- listen, encourage and support.
- involve the wider community in your learning.
5 promises staff make to one another;
- share resources.
- support one another.
- work collaboratively to improve student learning.
- be consistent in applying policies.
- learn from one another.
5 characteristics you will see in our teaching;
- differentiate teaching and learning to support and challenge the full range of abilities.
- structure lessons according to SABRE.
- be innovative and reflective.
- be enthusiastic.
- be accountable for improving student outcomes.
5 things you will see from our students;
- be enthusiastic and motivated.
- communicate and be respectful.
- seize opportunities to participate and learn.
- work together, acting responsibly and creatively.
- direct their own learning through questioning and exploring.
5 things you will see from our parents, carers and guardians;
- be involved and contribute to the broader educational program.
- play an active role in the child’s learning.
- support their children in achieving their learning goals.
- promote the school values.
- maintain open lines of communication with the school.
New Teachers
With our growth in student numbers comes growth in our staff also. I am delighted to welcome and introduce our new staff.
- Chris Allen: Maths / Business - replacing Parminder Kaur who will be on family leave in semester 1.
- Sasha Byrnes: Health and Physical Education
- Alicia Davey: Leading Teacher – Numeracy Improvement and Maths KLA Leader
- Casey Deng: Maths / Accounting
- Karen Eap: English / Humanities
- Despina Filippidis: Maths
- Morgan Hunter: Student Wellbeing Support
- Yehuda Kaplan: Hebrew
- Daniel Lake: Maths / Science
- Duncan Le Nair: Art / Materials Technology
- Emma Nishikubo: EAL / Japanese / French
- Aaron Petersen: Assistant Principal
- Delanka Peiris: Psychology / Science (Year 7 Coordinator)
- Cristina Presa: Literacy Support Teacher
- Kelly Rattle: English Language Centre
- Sue Rio: Food Technology
- Mogane Roge: French - replacing Loveena Narayanen through the Jules Verne Teacher Exchange program for term 1.
- Aurele Roy: French Assistant
- Naomi Zander: English / Humanities
Being involved at GEC
We are always looking for ways to involve our parents in our community. Please contact me if you have ideas of how you would like to be involved.
- Our Parents and Friends group is an excellent way to meet other families and I encourage you to join.
- College Council - All Victorian government schools with a Year 7 cohort and above, will have a mandated Student member category on their school council. At GEC we already have 2 students on Council.
Currently the Department of Education & Training have not provided the information to schools for elections for student members.
Permanent Telstra Group employees can apply for a Telstra Kids Fund grant ( of $1,200 to support a project or activity run by a non-profit organisation involving a child, 18 years or under, in their immediate family. Schools cannot apply directly – an employee must apply on behalf of the school.
VCE Results
We were very pleased with the wonderful results achieved by our Year 12 students. Congratulations to Elena Shi, our Dux, with an ATAR of 99.
- We had a 100% pass rate
- Our students’ mean ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) score was 66.85, rising annually
- 5.2% of study scores were 40 or above
- 30.5 % of our students scored ATARs greater than 80, 70% of students scored ATARs greater than 50
- Our students’ mean study score was 29.2
- Many students received early round tertiary offers
Professional Practice Days for Teachers
As part of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2017, teachers will receive one day per term when they are out of the classroom to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning. These are not student free days. Casual Replacement Teachers (CRTs) will be employed to cover classes. We are scheduling the days ahead of time and have planned the days so that there is minimal impact.
Some staff took their term 1 day on the day of the Swimming Carnival. The remaining staff will take their term 1 day in the week 5th – 9th March 2018. Teachers will ensure planned work is provided for students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Capital Works
We are on track to be finished by the end of term 1. We have now moved into the new Junior and Senior classrooms, Junior and Senior School offices and Year 12 Study Centre and a new student entrance is open.
Schools have been advised by the Department that it is not compulsory for schools to offer a whole-of-school insurance policy, and to remind families that any insurance needs to be taken up on an individual user pays basis. Parents/Guardians are also reminded that the Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance / transport and any other transport costs. Parents/guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers if they wish to insure their child.
We have many wonderful events planned for 2018 – Cultural Diversity Week in March will be a highlight for term 1. Lunchtime and afterschool activities have begun – see the website for a full list.
Sheereen Kindler