GEC Parents Association (GECPA) – Join Us!
All GEC parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you. If you you are interested in being involved, want to come to any of our meetings or are not already receiving our emails, please send an email to
Our next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th March when we will discuss
- Students Mobile phone use at school
- Party in the Park
- Multicultural supper
- Trivia Night
- Movie Night
- Supper at School Production
- Election Day sausage sizzle Nov 24
Volunteers (welcome even in a small way) and other suggestions welcome.
Party in the Park Sunday 18th March 10am-4pm Allnut Park Wheatley Road Bentleigh
Glen Eira College Parents Association will hold a stall at the festival to be visible in our community and raise funds for the college. We will be selling sno-cones, jams made by parents and handmade notebooks made from repurposed exercise books for kids to decorate. Please come and buy something. If you can you volunteer for an hour or 2 between 9am and 5pm please register at
Multicultural Picnic – Thursday 22 March 6pm - 7.30pm
All Glen Eira College families are invited to share a picnic dinner at the school to get to know other school families. Please bring a plate of food from your culture to share and your picnic set-plates,cups etc to reduce rubbish. Last year’s picnic was very enjoyable - a sublime summer evening in the school garden sharing a variety of delicious food from our many family backgrounds and catching up with school friends and making new ones. Two parents with kids just started at GEC met again for the first time since their primary school days!
Secondhand Uniforms - January sale
Thanks to parents who ran the stall (especially Julie), donated uniform items and sorted, labelled, washed and mended clothes. The uniform stall raised over $2255 for the school and helped families reduce the cost of school clothes.
Coles Sports Vouchers
Coles supermarkets are offering vouchers for school sports equipment, to customers till May. Please bring your vouchers to the school office ad GECPA will send them in.
School Crossing – walking, cycling and public transport to school – Glen Eira Council invitation to comment
Great news that the speed limit will be reduced outside Glen Eira College! We should also ask Glen Eira Council and VicRoads to improve safety for kids riding and walking to school especially at the corners of Booran Rd/Neerim and Booran/Glen Eira Roads and riding along these approach roads to GEC. Glen Eira Council has asked for comment on a new transport plan for Glen Eira that includes walking, cycling and public transport and specifically looks at improving safety for kids walking and cycling to school – Please send in a short comment to support further improvements for the safety of kids walking and riding to school by 26 March. Parent, Catherine Mc Naughton is a member of Glen Eira Councils Sustainable Transport Advisory Committee and happy to discuss local transport issues with you – ph 0412 119 807
Weekly Walk and Talk
We have a social walking group which meets once a week to walk and chat for about an hour. We meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) at 7:45pm at the corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve.
So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use).
Ride2School Day Friday March 23
Active transport is a great way to encourage a healthy lifestyle amongst students and the wider school community. Whether they ride or scoot all the way, or part way, it's a great way for all students to get active, learn new skills and increase their confidence. National Ride2School Day is a fantastic opportunity to encourage active travel within your school community. The day celebrates those who already actively travel to school and encourages those who don't to start. In 2015 Glen Eira College adopted an active travel charter to encourage students and staff to travel by active means. Bike parking is located behind the PAC and scooter parking racks have been made for GEC by the Brighton Men’s Shed.
Gran Prix Bicycles offer school families a 5% discount and 5% donation back to Glen Eira College. Collect a loyalty card from the school office and present it in store at Gran Prix Cycles, Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South.
Year 7 Family Camp
School Holidays weekend 6-8th April Boort to discover “Crow Country” – setting for Year 7 novel
Would you like to join some Year 7 families camping in the Boort Lakes Caravan Park north of Bendigo – a chance to meet some other families and a new place where the Year 7 novel is set. Camping sites and cabins available ph 54552064
We could enjoy an indigenous eco-tour with Gulpilil’s Australia and discover the spanner sculptures
If you are interested please let the school office know so we can book the eco-tour and also please book your own accommodation.
Cathy McNaughton