From the Office

Update Your Information
Have you recently changed, or are about to change, address, home, mobile or work phone number or email address? Please remember to ring the College on 9571 7838 or update your details on Xuno to keep us informed.
Student Absences
Student absences should be reported to the school on the day of the absence. Parents are reminded that the College has a designated telephone line for notification of student absence – 9571 4178.
There is also an absence proforma in the student planner that parents can complete for the student to return to the General Office on their return to school.
Early Leavers
If your child needs to leave school early you are required to provide a signed note for them to show their year level coordinator and bring down to the General Office when they sign out. Students are not permitted to leave the school early without signing out at the General Office.
Xuno Portal
Need your login details for the Xuno portal? Contact the College on 9571 7838 or email
This newsletter is emailed home to all families twice per term. If you have any items of interest to the college community or want to advertise your business, please contact Penny Marks on 9571 7838.
Centrepay for Payments
We now support the use of Centrepay. Centrepay is a free voluntary bill paying service. Deductions come directly from your Centrelink payments and can be used to pay many types of bills, such as child care, educations expenses, electricity bills or rent. Please download the form that is available on the school website or contact the General Office and the form will be emailed to you.
XUNO and Family Payments 2018
Thank you to all families who have paid their parent payments for the 2018 academic year.
This year we are continuing to deliver a more efficient payment and authorisation method for all Essential Learning Items, Events, Sports, Camps and Excursions by using the Events module on XUNO. This method replaces our paper forms and invoices as previously sent to you. Please log on to the XUNO Parent Portal to approve any events or to make any payments.
Alternatively you may still request a paper form or make payments by Cash, Debit/ Credit Card at the General Office or pay online using BPAY and Direct Deposit.
If you have any questions, please contact the General Office on 9571 7838.
XUNO Events and Payments
Please find below our user guide for XUNO Events and Payments:
If you have any questions please contact me or on 9571 7838.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
$225 for secondary school students.
How to Apply
Contact the General Office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from
More Information
For the CSEF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit
Gabrielle Darvell
Business Manager