Wellbeing News

We have welcomed a new member into the Wellbeing Team at Glen Eira College in 2018. Morgan Hunter has been appointed to a newly created position - Student Support Worker. Morgan will be based in the Wellbeing Centre.
The Wellbeing Centre is located near the Administration Office on the ground floor. This centre is a safe and welcoming place for students to seek help or advice on any wellbeing issues, including any concerns they may have about their learning.
As Wellbeing Leader I am fortunate to be part of a team of professionals that is committed to the support of our student community. The core Wellbeing Team consists of Student Support Worker Morgan Hunter, Adolescent Health Nurse Christalia Formoso, Psychologist Zoe Markopoulos and Wellbeing Leader Jenny Sanchez. This core team meets fortnightly to review the wellbeing needs of our student community and develop evidence based responses to meet those needs.
Our primary focus is the delivery of evidence based programs to improve student wellbeing.
Morgan and Jenny are at Glen Eira full time, Christalia is here on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Zoe attends the fortnightly meetings and may also attend at other times to provide student support. Zoe is a member of a network of Student Support Services Officers (SSSO’s) employed by the government to support schools in meeting the wellbeing and learning needs of students.
If you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing please contact us at the college. Ring the college number 9571 7838 and ask to speak with Jenny Sanchez, if I am unavailable please leave a message with the office staff and they will forward the message to me. The key contact is Jenny Sanchez who manages the referral and support process. You can also contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator as they will work with you and the wellbeing team to provide the required support.
Activities and programs to be delivered this term include:
Lifestyle Checks for Year 12 Students
This term Christalia and Morgan will be delivering the Lifestyle Check program for our year 12 students. This program aims to support students to manage their own self-care and to know when to seek help.
Stress and Anxiety - Parent Information Evening
Time: 6:45pm until 7:45pm – doors open at 630pm.
We will be delivering a Wellbeing Parent Information Evening focused on how to support your child manage stress and anxiety. The number of students requiring support for stress and anxiety has seen a steady increase over the last twelve months. Supporting young people to manage these challenges is critical to their overall wellbeing, including their academic progress. Jenny, Morgan, Christalia and Zoe will all be in attendance on the night.
World Sleep Day
Sleep is important to health and wellbeing, and is vital to good health. World Sleep Day is on Friday 16 March 2018. It is an annual event created to celebrate sleep and provide a call to action on related issues, such as how a lack of sleep can affect learning. In the lead up to World Sleep Day we will be raising awareness about good and healthy sleep, as well as the negative impacts on health arising from sleep problems.
Jenny Sanchez
Wellbeing Leader