Careers Corner

Year 12
Careers Chat
Dear Year 12s,
Please make a time to come and see me for a quick 10 to 15 minute chat this term. I have a fantastic new Careers online tool that I would love to share with you. This will make it easier for me to disseminate relevant careers and university information to you.
UMAT information
UMAT is developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of the UMAT Consortium universities. The test is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on this website.
UMAT scores can be used for admission to any of the UMAT Consortium universities ONLY in the year following the test. For example, results from UMAT2018 can be used for undergraduate medicine or health science courses beginning in 2019 but NOT 2020. Do not register for UMAT2018 unless you are planning to apply for a course commencing in 2019 AND you meet the eligibility criteria specified in the UMAT2018 Information Booklet.
Interested in a career in STEM?
Here is a list of the top graduate jobs in the STEM area;
University Information
University of Melbourne: Hands on Engineering and IT
The first workshops for the year will be held Thursday 5th and Friday 6th April.
These interactive workshops introduce Year 10 students to engineering and IT concepts. They are a great way to explore a passion and future study or career option. Students need to be nominated by teachers.
More details –
The Good Universities Guide: Online and Distance Education
Materials for students interested in online and distance education, with information on what is online and distance education, where and how are courses offered, different options, flexible study options and interactivity and support.
Year 10
Work Experience
There have been a few Year 10s who have given me their completed work experience forms. I need to have these in by the end of term 1. If you are having difficulties in finding a placement, please come and see me at recess or lunch time or after school.
There are many benefits to work experience.
- People are more likely to hire you if you’ve tried a job and still like it
- It shows you have initiative and can try new things
- You’ll have an opportunity to get a valuable reference from your ‘employer’
- Network, meet potential future employers, find out about their graduate positions or if they offer apprenticeships and traineeships.
Do you know someone in an interesting job?
If so, perhaps they will host you for a week.
Ask around.
Many of the best opportunities aren’t advertised. Try putting together a cover letter and CV then applying as you would for a job. You’re more likely to get a spot, plus you can chalk up some practice at applying for real jobs.
Work experience as a Surveyor
details are on this link:
Careers Fast Track Program
I will be delivering the Careers Fast Track Program to all the Year 10s. Many of you started this with the online quizzes regarding work, values and personality. Once the 4 quizzes have been completed, I am able to print out a personalised Pathways Book for you. We then use these booklets in stage 2 of the program, which will be run shortly. Stage 3 is when a Careers Fast Track Counsellor comes out to have a 30 minute interview face to face in May.
I have sent all the students an email with a link to complete the quizzes if they have not already been done. Please ensure all Year 10 students complete these before the end of the month. If you didn't get the email or are having difficulties with the process, please come and see me immediately.
Carol McCaskie
Careers and Pathways Coordinator