Mary Ward Secondary

Market Day

Market Day at Mary Ward Secondary is the completion of a semester project to create a business around a well chosen product which meets the business criteria for viability, delivery and quality assurance. 

This year the students have chosen to create products around the Christmas theme. Given that the products are Christmas items students are always highly motivated! Through the design and production stages students apply relevant numeracy skills when measuring, calculating, costing and handling money at the sales. Literacy skills are practised through using the specialised language of business and in the exploring, creating, marketing and selling of their produces. Students further refine ICT, problem solving, and interpersonal skills. Practising competencies in a motivating, fun and relevant learning environment is empowering. This is one small component of the big picture of preparing students for the world beyond school at John XXIII.

Dreams Come True

Ewen Robinson has been a student at John XXIII College since Year 7. During this time he has endeared himself to staff and students with his gregarious nature and ability to bring a smile to all those who meet him.


Ewen has a passion for sport, particularly AFL and a fascination with large vehicles such as trucks and tractors, and is never happier than when he is watching or participating in these areas.

Gavin Castiglioni and the grounds staff arranged to take Ewen on a trip around the College oval in tractor, as a farewell from the College.  Ewen's mother, Grandmother and friends watched from the sidelines and could not express their gratitude more, as Ewen's obvious joy was wonderful to see.


Thank you to Gavin and the grounds staff for providing such a kind and unforgettable experience for Ewen.  We wish Ewen well as he enters the next stage of his journey.


June Chiaroni