Middle School

Expression of Interest -Year 7, 8 and 9 Canberra Tour: Term 4 2018
Extended Expression of Interest
A camp to Canberra has been planned for Year 7, Year 8 and 9 students from Monday 3rd December to Friday the 7th December, 2018. We have extended an invite to include Year 7 Students.
The camp is designed to allow students to explore the Nation’s Capital, with a focus on our trip to the Australian War Memorial. Students will participate in a range of educational activity sessions over the 5 days including visits to some of Canberra’s most popular tourist’s attractions. Proposed activities include a visit to the National Gallery, National Museum, Questacon, Old and New Parliament House and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).
The estimated maximum cost of the excursion is $ 730 per student which includes transport, accommodation, activities and meals.
As numbers are limited (max. 52 students), a first come, first served system is in place. To secure a position, please return the expressions of interest slip and a deposit of $100 to the General Office by Term 3 Week 4, Friday the 10th of August 2018.
In progression to secure a spot the following will occur:
A Payment Plan can be set by contacting the Business Manager, Adrian Zonneveldt. Suggestion: Deposit $100 and 11 payments of $56.55 per week (Final payment on Friday 12th of October)
Your child may be eligible for Camps and Excursions Funding, which will minimise your final cost, please contact the General Office if you require information in relation to this.
Once numbers are confirmed, permission slips will be issued. If you have any queries, please contact me at the College on 5871 1700.
Mrs Jayne Black
Middle School Leading Teacher
Dare to Dream- Latrobe Excursion- Year 9
More information coming soon!
Hosted by La Trobe University and Project Gen Z, this workshop aims to educate, inspire and motivate young people to dream big.
During the day, students learn from some of Australia’s top young entrepreneurs who provide insights into the world of work and employability skills. Practical activities reinforce these.
In the afternoon, students are given a real life business challenge, work in teams to plan a creative marketing campaign and then pitch their ideas in front of Project Gen Z and La Trobe judges.
Year 8 English
Year 8 Students – experimenting spelling for kinaesthetic learners, using objects found around the school and home to form the letters to make the words.
Year 7 Alliteration Poems
This is excellent Ebony,
She likes emus, elephants and eggs,
She is excellent, energetic, eight and extremely eager.
She has eleven noses, eight ears and extreme eagle eyes.
This is Rylee
He likes roaring rhinos that roll around.
He likes to be called the ruler.
He always has a reason for everything.
The nervous Nikita is always nearby, she is noisy, neat, nutty and noble.
She like new Nike shoes, and has notes for the nerdy nurses and nanny's.
She notes that there nagging nincompoop nitwit's, who give her nasty needles which makes her nervous.
This is Mika
She likes munching monkeys,
She likes marshmallows
She’s very mysterious.
She is magnificent
She has majestic hair.
This is Matilda,
She likes mangos, mandarins, meringue and she also magnificently moves to the Macarena.
She meaningfully loves her mum!
She is merry, modern and quite memorable.
Matilda has melodic moves, her mindful personality is majestic and magnetic.
Matilda mingles with many humans and mocks meddling monkeys.
Mindful Matilda meets many messed up merchants. Matilda marched with a moody human and went missing. We will miss the Majestic Matilda.
Year 8 Australian Poetry
Year 8 English students studied ‘The Man From Snowy River’ by Banjo Paterson this week. Students were given roles to act out stanza’s in pairs, and through their body language they were able to understand the poem more.
Congratulations!- Positive Behaviour & Attendance
The following Year 9 students received an impressive amount of Positive Entries on Compass- keep up the great work!
12 Entries:
- Molly Poole
- Kade Good
11 Entries:
- Taryn Miller
10 Entries:
- Tyson O’Shea
9 Entries:
- Cheyanne Allcroft-Newcombe
8 Entries
- Bailey Mason
- Sharlette Hamson
- Zoe Simpson
100% Attendance Rate in Semester One
- Brody Tenney
- Tiffany Knight
above 90% Attendance Rate in Semester One
- Saif Albraheem
- Joel Brown
- Kade Good
- Sharlette Hamson
- Tiffany Knight
- Molly Poole
- Zoe Simpson
- Ty Wise-Watts
- Tahnee Brockley
- Declan Cheong
- Taryn Miller
- Rachael Palmer
- Tahlia Proctor
- Taylah Simpson
- Josh Stephens
- Kobe Trease
- Tait White
- Billie Boyd
- Olivia Brincat
- Charlotte Clarke
- Tayla Humphries
- Isla Mc Cracken
- Mazz Post
- Riley Sampson
- Sebby Watt-Fotia
- Jade Williams
Student Profile- Riley Davis
What year level are you currently studying? Year 7
What is your favourite subject at school? Maths
What is the best book you have read in Illuminate?
The 65 Story Tree House
What is your best memory of your time at Cobram SC College? Making heaps of new friends
What do you enjoy doing during recess and lunch times? Hanging out with my friends
What is the best item you can buy from the school canteen? Iced coffee
What is your dream job when you leave school? Life time video gamer!