Semester One Reports

Semester One Summary Reports are now available via Compass
Parents and students are now able to access their Semester One Summary Report of the academic performance and attendance of their students. If parents require a printed copy of their report, please contact the General Office and we will assist in this process. If you would like more information regarding your child’s performance, please feel free to contact the relevant teacher.
Cobram Secondary College is currently undergoing an extensive review of its reporting processes. We are now in our second year of Progressive Reporting, providing more immediate achievement reports to parents throughout the semester. Accompanied with our PBA Report cycle, this allows us to provide more timely feedback to parents, guardians and students about their work habits and achievement. Of course, students receive detailed written feedback on work in class. We continue to provide mid-semester Parent/Teacher/Student conferences to ensure personalised and detailed feedback. We strongly encourage that you contact teaching staff if you have any concerns or questions arising from the reporting cycle throughout the semester.