Principals' Update

Welcome to Term 3!
Staffing Update
Kate Bird, Assistant Principal, has been appointed to the region as an Education Improvement Leader and will be working with schools across the region. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kate for her commitment and contribution to our school, and wish her well in her future career.
#We Create @ CSC
Our students continue to delight – Freyja Black performing in 'The Beauty and the Beast' in Yarrawonga, Georgia Stoate receiving an encouragement award for netball at the Bendigo Academy of Sport, Harry Beasley played for the Victorian Country Team at the AFL National Championships on the Gold Coast, Indyanna- Rose Ciccone is in West Virginia to compete as Miss Teen Australia International and our band members, Adam Cohen, Mitchell Hawke, Noah Fraser, Drew Humphries and Dante McNamara performed at the Kool Skools recording project during the holidays!
#We Learn @CSC
Our Headstart to Term Three has gone remarkably well, with students all settling in to make a good start to their studies for Term Three.
Our students visited Central Australia and were right outside their comfort zone as they learned new skills and explored Central Australia. We offer a trip to the nation’s capital for Years 8 & 9 at the end of the year during Headstart for 2019. This tour will offer opportunities to explore the Australian War Memorial, Questacon, the Australian Institute of Sport and so much more! I encourage students to take up this opportunity. Our student voice team’s next project will be to gain feedback on our camps and trips to hear what learning experiences students are looking for.
#We Lead @CSC
I’m proud to announce the following students were successful in their nominations as student representatives on School Council: Ellie Jones and Ruby Sproules.
Our student leaders (SRC) are continuing to finalise the proposed uniform for the school. There is a display in the library of proposed uniforms, and Year Level assemblies, consultation with students, parents and staff is continuing.
Kimberley Tempest