School Production – Aladdin

Recently, South Oakleigh College students showed their talent by performing the Disney musical Aladdin. Cast and crew relished performing such numbers as One Jump Ahead, Prince Ali and A Friend Like Me.


The show was filled with special moments including the comical chases, thrilling fight scenes and overall brilliant performances from the entire cast.  

Special mention goes to the lead characters:

  • Dylan Georgiades as Aladdin
  • Shelby Scapetis as Jasmine
  • Dhruv Malge as the Genie.

It was gratifying to see how co-operatively our students worked together. All cast members got along  well and created an upbeat feeling in every rehearsal. This positivity lead to many remarkable moments: from the mime acrobatics of the magic carpet to the thunderous roaring of the magic of wonders and the spellbinding illusions above the clouds during A Whole New Word.


The production was made extraordinary by the addition of fabulous pyrotechnics arranged by Mr Mitchell Prewett.


2019 was an amazing year for the school production and I anticipate this talent continuing to flourish within our school.


Mr Adam Platenkamp

Director, Aladdin