Year 12 Update

Hi from Mrs White and Mr Pollock 

We just wanted to say how much we are looking forward to seeing you all back at school on the 26th May. It has been a strange experience working from home, and for you all studying at home.  


I am sure we will look back on this as a time of readjustment. There have been advantages, getting that extra sleep without the travel time, being at home, and having time to walk the dogs while it is still light, definitely wearing casual clothes all day and spending time with family. Of course that for some people might have been a challenge sharing space, technology and internet.


We know from the feedback we have had from some of you that you have found this time productive without the pressure to go out, party, catch up or hang out. Please take this forward as a positive adjustment as you will need this focus in the coming months. Some of you feel like you have just adjusted to remote learning and now you are back to school with the added responsibilities and commitments. Others have just found this time very difficult, without the structure and routine, regular time to get up and go to bed. Some of you have missed classes through sleeping in or just did not know what to do as you felt it was easier to avoid the classes. Just like you are all different, the way you have responded to this time is different and we are aware of this. 


The most important thing right now is that we move forward with a positive mindset to coming back to school and completing the semester, and the year to the best of your ability. The Later Years team are here to support you as much as possible.  are still many unknowns about the arrangements for our Year 12 VCE students.  At this stage the VCAA has not yet firmed up the dates for the GAT or for the end of years exams.  The information remains that the GAT will be late October or early November and the exams will be some time in December.


Our teachers have been working on a calendar for SAC dates. In planning when key assessments will occur teachers have been very conscious to try and ensure student workload is balanced.

Due to the unique situation we are in we have opted to have the last few SACs in the first fortnight of term 3.  We have been advised that there is the time to do this as the vast majority of Unit 4 Study Designs have been reduced in terms of content and assessment.  Year 12 Maths Methods SAC is coming up.  This investigation and analysis task is a significant part of the assessment for the year and is designed to show student critical and creative thinking.

Maths Methods SAC

Our Year 12 teachers are always trying to ensure students have the best opportunity to showcase their learning in their School Assessed Coursework.   Our team were very concerned that students who did not have access to printers or who had poor internet would be disadvantaged and might not be able to perform at their best.  As a result  our Maths Methods students will be coming in to complete their SAC onsite Period 1, Wednesday May 20 and Period 2, Friday May 22.


Students need to report to Rees House and should bring their Logbook, CAS calculator and Laptop.  

As this SAC is during the period of remote learning parents are required to give consent for their child to attend.


The Later Years Team