Principal's Report

Classes to Resume Onsite

The announcement this week from the State Government about a staged plan classes to resume onsite is welcome and exciting news. Whilst the original plan that was communicated initially involved remote learning for the entirety of term 2, the adjustment will see a return to full school operations and relative normality by Tuesday 9th June. Year 12 students in particular will benefit from being able to complete their School Assessed Coursework (SACs) onsite as opposed to in a remote learning environment. Teachers can get back to supporting students in the classroom and students can get back to socialising interacting and having fun with their teachers, peers and friends.


Our leadership team and school staff are well prepared for the return to school, and information guidelines for the return to school are being finalised and will be provided to students, parents and staff within coming days. The government has committed to providing extra resources such as hand sanitiser, first aid supplies and additional cleaning to reduce the risk of any possible infection or transmission of Covid-19. Moreover the Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton has provided the following advice:


“As Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, and as a member of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, and with the health, wellbeing and safety of students and staff front of mind, I fully endorse a return to on-site schooling for all Victorian schools. As you know, since the beginning of Term 2, most children have been learning remotely in order to limit the number of people moving around the state and to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This careful approach continues, and I trust that you have confidence in my view that it is safe for our community to have school students begin a phased return to classrooms. I thank teachers, staff and families for their incredible efforts in helping deliver remote and flexible schooling and, in doing so, helping to flatten the curve of the pandemic. These efforts, in addition to significant testing, mean we are now in a position to begin moving back to face-to-face teaching. This is in addition to the available evidence that largely indicates that transmission between children in the school environment is low. This growing evidence, coupled with low levels of community transmission in Victoria, means that the risk posed to staff and students returning to on-site schooling at this time is very low. As we begin this transition, the following guidance provides some sensible steps schools can take. Everyone in the Victorian community has a role to play in protecting themselves and keeping the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) suppressed. Thank you for your incredible contribution to Victoria’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19).”


Our teachers and ES staff can’t wait to see the students again and get back to classes. We are ready for the new normal! Bring on the next few weeks!


Kevin Murphy
