McKinnon has had a great amount of success in all the Grok Competitions that have run over the past few years but special mention has to go to Ariel Golembo (Year 9) for her performance in the Web Competitions. In 2019, Ariel finished 4th in Australia for her website on Hinterland Hives, a honey farm. Her completed site was so impressive that Grok wrote an article about her finished work. 


Intermediate — Honey Farm Website
This student deserves a “hive five” for their incredible work. At first glance, you know exactly what this website is about and all the features it has to offer. It has a great hero visual with a central image and title that says it all. Everything from their choice of font to their bumble bee illustration and transparent banners this student knew exactly how to catch the audience’s eye.
By using numbered lists and multi-coloured text boxes this student avoided a text heavy site and made it fun to read. From start to finish it’s evident that this student went above and bee-yond.
Megan Donohue, Grok Learning


This time around, Ariel has taken part in the Advanced Web Comp and has achieved a perfect score. Here is what Ariel has to say about her experience.


Two years ago, an article from the school Compass feed caught my attention. I learned about Grok Learning, an interactive online platform, offering a 5-week course where students can learn web design using HTML, CSS and even JavaScript. The course culminates in an online Web Comp - a Design Tournament/Project that tests the student’s skills. Since then, I have been participating in the annual Web Comp, completing the Beginner, Intermediate, and this year, the Advanced course. The website I submitted for the Intermediate Tournament received a review by one of the Grok staff members.
Although our current lockdown lifestyle is a difficult time for many of us, it may also be an opportunity to learn a new skill that may even come in handy in real life!  I urge everyone who has an interest in web design or programming to consider this course - it is a lot of fun and teaches you plenty of useful skills!
Hope to see you at the next competition!
Ariel Golembo
Year 9 Student


Shirley Munro

ICT Teacher