Allied Health Department News

Words of the Week

Every week we practice modelling 2-3 words from the Jackson School Communication Board. 

In week 11 the words of the week are: can, do 


You can find the Communication Board here


Social Play 

A selection of students in 5/6B have begun to participate in our new social - emotional learning program. Lead by an occupational therapist and speech pathologist, the ‘Social Play’ program follows the “We Thinkers! ™: Social Explorers” curriculum© designed by Michelle Garcia Winner and the Social Thinking® team. Jackson’s “Social Play” program focusses on supporting students develop their social awareness, understanding and perspective taking skills to help them play collaboratively and develop positive social interactions and peer relationships. 


By following the adventures of storybook friends Evan, Molly, Jesse and Ellie the group has started to navigate the complexities of the social world. Through participation in a range of fun, hands on games, songs and play scenarios students have learnt about the abstract social concept of “thinking thoughts and feeling feelings”. (Social Thinking® Vocabulary created by Michelle Garcia Winner Social Thinking).