Principal's Message

Friday 19th June


Dear Parents and Carers, 


Our very unusual term 2 will end next week. It has been a strange time for all of us although our students have continued to be happy and settled since their return to school. I hope families have also enjoyed the lessening restrictions and had the opportunity to return to some of your normal activities.


We have reflected on the changed circumstances this year and the financial impact it has had on many in our school community. For that reason, we will not hold any fundraising activities in 2020. We will still have community activities within the school and offer wider opportunities for parents and carers to join us when restrictions lift. I will keep you informed as I receive updates from the Department of Education.


We have had to send a number of students, home during the day who have exhibited flu like symptoms. DET has directed us to remind all families and carers that students must not attend school if they have a sore throat, coughing, a runny nose or a fever. I understand that this is frustrating for families and carers when children seem well. This week we have seen three schools close because of students testing positive. It is the adults that are at greatest risk if working with a COVID-19 positive student so please support us to follow the Department of Educations, guidelines.


Our staggered parent and carer pick up at the end of the day has worked very smoothly. All staff involved have enjoyed interacting with parents and we have appreciated the smiles and conversations with you. Thank you for working collaboratively with us. We feel the changed structure for pick-up has improved efficiency and safety. This is an example of one of many positive outcomes to come from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.


School Council has continued to operate remotely using a virtual tool ‘Webex’. All councillors agreed that we are able to effectively follow through our role so we will continue to hold School Council Meetings virtually in the future. Principals from schools across Keilor and St Albans have been meeting weekly in a virtual meeting that has enabled us to discuss how to best lead our schools at this time. Alex our social worker has participated in many virtual meetings with external providers to support students and this is likely to continue. Teachers have also found that the SeeSaw App can be used innovatively with students when working independently in class. Many of these practices may not have occurred if we had not been forced to find different ways of communicating because of the coronavirus. It is always good to find the positives in the changes we face. It builds resilience, helps us cope with stress and gives us greater satisfaction with our life. 


I hope you are enjoying the lessening restrictions and making the most of visiting playgrounds or cheering on your AFL Team. The Jackson School Community has managed this term fantastically and we should all be very proud of our efforts. Thank you for the enormous part you all played in supporting us this term. It is a privilege to lead our community.


Stay safe and stay warm and I look forward to seeing you in term 3.


With Gratitude,

