COVID-19 Advice

This page in the newsletter is dedicated to the advice and measures taken by the school in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Parent Access to School Reminder

As per previous editions of the newsletter and our Return to School guidelines, only staff, students and authorised visitors are permitted to enter the school grounds. To limit adult to adult interaction across the school, parents are not permitted to enter the school without prior authorisation. If for some reason, parents or carers need to enter the school, please call ahead for approval from a member of the office or leadership teams. 


As always, you or your child/ren must not enter the school grounds if you are unwell. If you or your children have been unwell, you must not return to the school until you are symptom free. Children who arrive at school with cold or flu-like symptoms will be sent home. All members of the community who have these symptoms are strongly encouraged to get tested for COVID-19.


FAQs Regarding Parent Access

What if I need to collect my child before the end of the day?

Please phone ahead to confirm early pick-up. Please enter the school via the Tooronga Rd entrance to the main building and a member of staff will collect your child for you. You must not go straight to the classroom. Make sure that you sign your child out via the kiosk. 


What if I need to drop something off for my child?

Again, please phone ahead. The item can be left with a member of staff and they will deliver said item to your child. You must not walk through the school to find your child.


How do I enter the school if I am a volunteer (i.e.Kitchen Garden or Canteen)?

If you are unwell, you must not attend the school. Please enter the school via the Tooronga Rd entrance to the main building, use the hand sanitiser provided, sign-in (and out when leaving) using the kiosk and then proceed to where your volunteer shift is. If you are on a volunteer roster, you do not need to call ahead for authorisation. 


What if I want to meet with my teacher?

While teachers may be on the gate in the afternoon from time-to-time, these times are mainly for short exchanges. If you need to contact your teacher, this can be done via email, phone or zoom. Please remember to limit email communication to weekdays and between the hours of 7:30am and 6:00pm. Face-to-face meetings should be limited to emergencies and distancing between adults must be maintained.


What if I need to access lost property?

Again, please call ahead. If you need to access lost property this must be done after school hours (i.e from 4:00pm).


We completely understand that this feels very unusual but one of the most significant conditions related to our return to onsite learning is that we limit contact and interactions between adults. As a staff, we are often working in isolation or small groups and all meetings continue to be held via Zoom. We all look forward to when we can welcome parents back into the school (without these restrictions) but until then, we appreciate your continued support and understanding.

Social Gatherings (DHHS Advice)

How many visitors can I have to my house?

Under current arrangements, you can have up to 20 people in your home at any one time, including those who normally live with you in the household. Babies and children are counted in the total person limit.


For example, if you are a household of five people, you can have 15 visitors. 


If you are visiting someone's home, you should ensure appropriate physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres from people you don’t live with, wash your hands often and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.  If you or your friends, family or partner are feeling unwell you should not visit anyone or have visitors at your home.

Victorians are being asked to use common sense when it comes to visiting friends and family, especially those who are more vulnerable. That means seeing only those you need to – if you need to.

Can I have a birthday party?

Currently, you will be able to have up to 20 people at your home to celebrate your birthday, including those who normally live in the household.


If you want to hold your birthday party outside your home, you may have groups of up to 20 people, including your household members.


As always, you should maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and others who are not from your household and practice good hygiene. 


Further advice regarding social gatherings can be accessed via the following link:

Staggered Start and Finish Times

To limit the number of people gathering at the start and end of the school day, the school has established (in accordance with DET guidelines) a modified approach for student drop-off and collection.  


Morning Drop-Off 

Extended 'Soft-Start' for all students from 8:40am - 9:00am.


Members of the leadership team and  selected teachers will greet students at the Burgess St and Tooronga Rd gates.  Classroom teachers will await student arrival in classrooms as part of this extended 'soft-start' to each day. 


Children must not be dropped off at the school before 8:40am.  Students arriving prior to 8:40am will be sent to the before school care program run by Camp Australia.


Afternoon Collection 

Students Collected in 2 staggered  groups in 10 minute intervals at 3:10pm and 3:20pm. It is critical that your child knows which gate they will be collected from.


To ensure that families do not have to drop children within the same household at different times, our staggered collection approach will continue based on student surnames. 


3:10pm - 3:20pm: Collection Group A (surnames A-L)


3:20pm - 3:30pm: Collection Group B (surnames M-Z)


We thank all families in advance for your continued support as we implement this updated approach to student drop-off and collection.

Important Ongoing COVID-19 Reminders

If you or your child is unwell and exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms, you must not enter the school.  If a child presents at school with cold or flu-like symptoms, they will be calmly and respectfully brought to the first aid room where they will wait for parents to collect them. Children must not return to school until they are completely well and symptom free. The expectations are the same for staff in that they must not attend work if they are unwell. If your child has allergies which may present in a similar way to the symptoms described above, please be proactive in informing and discussing these with the school.

Drop-Off and Collection Reminders

Parents are asked to drop students off using the 'Kiss and Drop' zone on Burgess St as a first preference but the Tooronga Rd entrance can still be used - particularly if your child is walking, riding or scooting to school. Adults are asked to refrain from getting out cars and to move on as quickly as possible. Families walking to school are asked to drop children off as far back from the school gates as possible and to avoid congregating with other members of the community. 


It is critical that all students know which gate they will be collected from in the afternoon (Tooronga Rd or Burgess St).  If students forget, we will defer to the morning drop-off point.


It is preferable for families to wait in/by cars as this will greatly reduce the number of adults waiting outside the school. Please discuss your afternoon collection plan as a family so that everyone is clear about what they need to do.


All families are reminded to cross both Tooronga Rd and Burgess St using the school crossing - no exception please.

Additional Safety Measures Taken by the School

  • Hand Hygiene: All students will wash their hands when they arrive at school (hand sanitiser), before & after snack  time, after recess, before & after lunchtime, after lunch play and on departure from school (hand sanitiser). Hand sanitiser will be available in all classes for general use throughout the day.
  • Staggered Playtimes and designated play areas. The school will adopt a staggered approach to playtimes.  This will limit the numbers of students playing in close proximity to each other.
  • All water bubblers will be turned off. Students are required to bring a water bottle which can be filled at designated re-fill stations throughout the day.
  • DET has provided an additional cleaning allowance. There will be 2 cleaners onsite throughout the day to regularly clean high-use surfaces, facilities, equipment and touch-points.

Community Service Support and Relief

If your family needs support or relief as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a variety of support services are available. These include but are not limited the following local organisations:


Camcare are located in Camberwell, and they provide counselling, support and connection to other services free of charge and without the need for referral for people who live, work or study in the City of Boroondara. They also provide emergency food and material aid, as well as case management and advocacy for people struggling to pay bills and rent. 


City of Boroondara has many services listed in the Council’s Relief and Recovery - Community Services Directory 

Auburn South Family Assistance Fund

The school can also provide short-term relief via the school's Family Assistance Fund.  This fund has been set up by the school to assist families experiencing short or long-term hardship (financial or personal). Please contact Marcus Wicher for a confidential conversation about the types of support that are available.