Auburn South Dads & Kids

Auburn South Dads and Kids (ASDAK)

ASPS has established Auburn South Dads and Kids - known as ASDAK -  with the purpose of strengthening the role of dads and father-figures in the lives of their young family members.     


ASDAK is associated with The Fathering Project (TFP), a not-for-profit inclusive charity which utilises researched evidence to develop programs and initiatives to encourage fathers to realise how important they are in a child's life, inspire them to get involved with their children and give them advice and opportunities how to do this.


Events we have planned once COVID-19 infections have ceased include a Movie Night Under the Stars, a Fathers' Day Lunch or Dinner, another Race Party function, hairdressing for dads, a treasure hunt, a camp-out on the school oval and a cricket match.


There are no membership fees to pay for dads and father-figures who wish to become involved with the group and events will be funded largely on a cost-recovery basis. Any small profits made will be retained to subsidise later events and so reduce prices. Sponsorship monies received will also be used for the same purpose.


Members of ASDAK will receive priority when booking for events and will benefit from receiving news about other TFP groups and activities. To register your interest please email your details (name of dad/father-figure, mobile number, email address, Working with Children number [if applicable] and your child/ren's names and current year level) to Please note that none of this information will be made available to any third parties.


Further information about The Fathering Project can be found at:

There are also a number of publications and leaflets available from members of the ASDAK Committee: David Brown, Thabojan Rasiah, Luis Alvarenga, Brett Harper, Paul Garson and Peter Gray.

Weekly Advice for Dads and Father-Figures

We're taking it back to basics this week with The Fathering Project's founding BUS principle. With BUS, we can provide the internal dialogue that guides our children safely and happily through life. It's easy to remember and helps dads build good habits of fathering from birth to adulthood.

  • B - being there

Be available, present and engaged. Always offer your presence so they know they can always ask.

  • U - unconditional love

Love them and show it (even if you don't always love their behaviour).

  • S - special

Recognise your child’s quirks - what unique things to they bring to the world?


Ask yourself:

  • Was I available and attentive today - either in person or through technology?
  • Did I communicate my love today in a way that my child understood?
  • Do I deliberately find different ways to help my child recognise their specialness, and feel worthwhile?