Senior School

In our classrooms

It has been a welcome return to school for our Senior School students.  Although week 1 was shortened, students have settled in nicely and are gearing up for what is going to be another super busy term.  A big congratulations to those students who participated in our Anzac Day Service last Wednesday. 

Night of the Notables

Next Tuesday, Weeden Heights will be hosting our 'Night of the Notables' event. This will take place in the hall starting at 6.00pm. Can parents please ensure that children are dressed in their costume and arrive at school at 5.30pm, in order to prepare for the event. Students have worked enthusiastically during this topic, and it promises to be a special accumulation that the students will no doubt be proud of.  Currently, students are putting the final touches to their display and work pieces. A reminder that this will be the final weekend to organise  costumes. A big thank you to parents for all of your support for this event. 

Senior School Camp

Another reminder to parents that Senior School Camp is less then three weeks away. In the days leading up to camp, teachers will discuss with students expectations, groups and the itinerary. Could parents please ensure that full payment is paid by this Friday May 3, and that the medical and dietary information is returned to the school, no later then Monday May 6. 

Kitchen and Garden

This coming Monday and Tuesday will be our final Kitchen and Garden lessons for the year. Once again students have enjoyed themselves and developed new skills throughout the course of the unit. It would be fantastic if for our last session, we could get as many parent volunteers to help out as your assistance is always greatly appreciated. Thanks!