Junior School

Busy Bees in 1T!


1T welcome you all back to school!  We hope you had a relaxing break and enjoyed catching up with family and friends or eating too many treats over Easter or both!


We have been very busy already with our ANZAC Day assembly happening in week one. All students were very respectful during the ceremony, especially Joshua and Aaliyah who carefully laid the wreath we made in French last term. Students enjoyed working together with 12D to create poppies with ANZAC related words and discussing why we pause to remember on ANZAC Day. Lest we forget.



A big thank you Kiralee Molner and to all the parents and grandparents who braved the weather on Friday morning to support our Cross Country event. We all had lots of sensible fun, looking after our belongings and racing around the track.



In English we are focusing on recount writing, spelling tricky words and using Visualising Raccoon to help us comprehend what we are reading.  1T had fun practising their retelling skills by drawing in chalk and sharing their stories during strategy groups this week.



Maths is all about shapes!  We are learning about  the properties of 2D shapes and naming some 3D shapes.  1T had fun putting on funny glasses, searching for shapes and explaining what they already know about shapes during our Spy the Shape game!



We sent out oral presentation topics last week and look forward to investigating how to protect the planet during Inquiry Learning this term. We will begin our investigation with a visit from Yarra Valley Water on May 13.  This will help us tune into how we can look after our planet and why water is so important.


If you do happen to have any of the Woolworths letter tiles that are no longer being played with at home, I would happily accept any donations for the 1T students to use to help practise their spelling! Please send any unwanted tiles to me in room 3!