Wellbeing Officer

From the Student Wellbeing Officer


Welcome to Term 2!  It has been great to reflect on Term 1 and what a great term it was, and now we can build on what was achieved as we commence Term 2.


Term 1 saw the introduction of the Lunchtime Club, which is being held on Wednesdays at lunchtime in the Library.  The purpose of the Club is for the students to engage with each other through different activities such as board games (Chess, UNO, Snakes & Ladders, Twister, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Checkers, and Guess Who? to name a few of the games on offer), jewellery making, reading, drawing and colouring.  I believe this format will be quite popular during the winter months when it’s cold and wet outside!


The first Lunchtime Club saw approximately 60 students attend, and it has been so encouraging to see the students looking out for each other and including each other, with a couple of students telling me that they connected with other students that they hadn’t engaged with previously.  Term 1 concluded with a school-wide Easter Egg Hunt, and some surprises are being planned for this term, including a student-chosen official name for the Club!


If there is anything I can help you with or you would like to simply have a chat, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school or by email at traceym@suvic.org.au.  I am at school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Tracey McGlashan

Student Wellbeing Officer