Salut à tous!

I hope you've all had a nice and relaxing holiday(vacances). With the prep students we are doing a range of activities to memorise  colours...rouge, bleu, vert, jaune, noir, blanc, gris, marron, violet, orange, rose.  We are also practising asking and answering the question;  'Quelle couleur c'est?' (what colour is this?).  E.g. 'C'est blanc' (It is white).  In the next few sessions, the students will practise writing the words with an activity linked to a short French video of Barbapapa.


In Grades 1 and 1/2, we are continuing filling up our French passports. The students have learnt a little song that we use at the beginning of each lesson to make a circle and start our floor games. They are now ready to write down this song in their passports.


In all the other Grades, we are starting to use a French Canadian Software called 'Bonjour mes amis' (Hello my friends).  It is made of short cartoon videos about a little girl called Lucie, who starts in a new school.  Each video is followed by a grammar or vocabulary lesson + online exercises.  The students are then required to record the new expressions in their notebooks.  At the moment we are learning how to answer the question 'comment vas-tu?' (How are you doing?).  In a few weeks, they will be working in pairs or small groups to write a role play. They will have to use the expressions and grammar rules learned so far this year. At the end of the Term, their performances in front of the class will be video taped. This will be their final assessment for Semester 01.


In order to assess them regularly, they are also given some homework every few weeks. This consists in memorising a couple of expressions learned in class and being able to write them down. 

GRADES 1T and 1/2D

GRADES 2/3A, 3/4S, 5/6K and 5/6M