Year 10 Technology


In Product Design and Technology, students will engage in research to analyse an existing product, they will design and develop a prototype encapsulating improvement to a product. During the redesign stage of the product, students will focus on improvements to the function, aesthetic and ease of production of the product. Students will consider environmental, social and financial costs that can be improved upon. They will discuss the reasons behind the improvements they have designed, focusing on concepts such as styling, durability, environmental factors at both production and disposal, and improvements to the cost of production. Students will use a variety of skills and production methods to produce an example of their product.


Costs/ Texts/ Excursions:

- $100 for consumables


Students will build on prior knowledge and continue to develop skills in design and production by producing a variety of savoury and sweet dishes. They will begin to have an understanding of the functions of ingredients in a dish. Students will investigate and evaluate issues to do with food and its role in food preparation and presentation. They will also learn and practice food preservation techniques used in the food industry. Students will develop, follow, produce and evaluate their own design briefs and they will have opportunities to develop their own dishes that meet specific standards. By the end of this course, students will be ready to undertake Units 1 and 2 in Food Studies.

Costs/ Texts/ Excursions:

  • $65 for food consumables


You will further develop your knowledge of electronic, electrical and mechanical components, and learn how to solve problems in DC circuits. You will build from scratch general electronics projects of your choice, such as intercom, walkie talkie, home alarms, solar powered vehicles, radios, FM listening transmitter devices, various manually controlled vehicles, sirens, amplifiers etc. ‘Yenka Electronics’ software will be used for project schematic diagram simulations. In Robotics you will 3D print the parts, program and make from scratch (remotely-controlled) robots, which include PICAXE, Arduino and PLC microchips that are rapidly being introduced into industry and education. This course leads to VCE Systems Engineering and nationally recognised VET/SBA Certificates II & III in Electrotechnology, such as UEE22261/UEE30811 Electrician (pre)apprenticeships.


Costs/ Texts/ Excursions:

  • $100  for various consumable electronic components for projects