The Lakes South Morang College offers a personalised curriculum designed around the needs of all students. We aim not only to differentiate what we teach, but also how we teach, recognising that students have different preferred learning styles. Each year, every student in Years 7–12 chooses from a range of goals targeted to improve their learning. They work on these with their parents’ help.

Within the classroom, it is considered normal for there to be a two-and-a-half year range in ability, and teachers cater for this in curriculum delivery and assessment. Beyond this range teachers cater for individual differences, with a variety of learning activities designed to challenge the gifted and encourage those who need support. Outside the classroom, students can choose from the extensive range of co-curricular activities that will enable them to enrich their personal learning.

In the early secondary years, our main focus is on students making the successful transition to secondary school. The core element in the curriculum for Years 7–9 reflects our belief that all students need to learn from each of the Learning Areas.

In Year 8 and Year 9, we are concerned with ensuring that our students acquire the work habits that lead to deep learning and engagement.

New programs are introduced at Year 9 to meet the challenge of maximising student engagement. In Year 9 they undertake electives in Arts, Technology and PE Health subjects.  After Year 9, students choose programs to suit the courses and pathways they hope to follow, keeping their options open for as long as possible.

In Year 10 and VCE, the focus shifts to acquiring the outcomes that will lead to a successful transition to the next stage of education. Students continue their core study areas and choose further electives. During Year 11 and 12 students are able to study from a range of VCE, VET and VCAL subjects based on the selection criteria and availability. 

The Lakes South Morang College will offer a range of VCE and VCAL subjects. Student will selecting VCE subjects will receive assistance to ensure that subject choices leave as many options as possible open in terms of tertiary and further education while our VCAL students will be guided to explore future employment opportunity.

Our school will offer VCE subjects leading to careers in the Science, Engineering and Medical fields, in Business, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and in the Performing Arts while our VCAL offerings will support trade and industry pathways.

From 2021 students who wish to study a Vocational Education and Training (VET) subject, arrangements will be made with other associated institutions.



Kerrie Heenan


The Lakes South Morang College