Year 7 News

Year 7 News

Year 7 students have been busy doing such amazing things this term.  Students are now well under way with performance tasks and home learning tasks.  As a parent you can use Compass as a tool to help support your child as you are able to see all their tasks and due dates.  In Home Group, their HG teacher has been talking to them about using their planners and time management.


The Year 7’s have also been involved in some great sports days!  Last Tuesday we had the whole school athletics day and it was so great to see so many Year 7 students participating in the ‘serious’ events as well as the novelty events.  We have also had our first home group competition: Dodgeball.  The students loved this and it was great to see the stadium so crowded with our students.  Congratulations goes to 7L for taking out the Dodge Ball title.


Congratulations also to Erin Janssens, Chelsea Rosewarne and Isabella Rosewarne also.  These girls took on the challenge of designing fun sunglasses to raise awareness of sun burn and skin cancer in our hot Victorian summers.

Digital Art Club

Two year 10 Students, Paddy Shephardand Joshua Vanhoutte have initiated a Digital Art Club which runs each week.  They had the students projecting their art works on to a big screen.  The year 7 students then wrote down something they had learnt including how to use 3D shape, how to animate people and how to draw with pixel.

Paddy and Joshua plan to collect student work as the club progresses and combint his work to create stories, animation and artwork.