Cultural Family Picnic 2017

Cultural Family Picnic

The 3rd annual cultural family picnic was held last Thursday, the 19th of October.  Inclement weather could not stop us from celebrating the diversity of our community, and this year’s festivities were held in our gym.


There were a lot of firsts!


DJ Will Cachia was able to bring along the 97.9 FM bus and run his HWC radio show on our school grounds.  We also had the Festival for Healthy Living artists join us with wonderful activities, including stilt walking, hula hoops, drum beating, flower crown making, and an impromptu rap and break dance performance.  Tama’ita’I O Le Pasifika was also present to share three amazing traditional dances that blew our minds.  A special shout out must go to Sunny Thammathevo from our IT department, for jumping in and joining the hip hop dance.  This first brought a look of surprise on the student’s faces, and it was absolutely priceless.

There were seconds! 


This was the second year in a row that representatives from the Melton council and police force were in attendance.  Thank you to Essan Dileriand Fran Grossi from the Community Capacity Team, and Sergeant Kevin Dans from Melton Police.  We also had a favourite, our giant jumping castle, for young and old.

There were thirds! 


It was also the third year for VICSEG coordinator Abraham Jongroor to be joined by Victoria University mentors.  We had Selena Emkic and Jess Gjerkes helping out with running the show.  We had our customary sausage sizzle, face painting from the lovely Ms. Nicki Currey, and last but definitely not the least, we had live performances from our very talented students. 


We would like to acknowledge this year’s Culture Captains, Halina Tavita-Alama and Sakir Nawaz. We must also thank all the staff who were instrumental in putting forward such a big event.  Thank you for your attendance and continued support!


If you have any questions, comments, or would like to become more involved in cultural activities at our school, please do not hesitate to email