

Here at Staughton College, we take pride in the appearance of our students, and the college uniform when worn correctly, is a smart, neat look.


We have a new jacket available from the uniform shop and a new skirt and dress for students to purchase in 2018.

Our uniform and student behaviour are the first line of recognition for the college in the community and we want our students to portray a high level of compliance in both. It is with this in mind that we take this opportunity to thank the parents of the vast majority of students who comply fully with the College uniform policy.


Whilst at school, and including the movement to and from school, it is expected that students wear the correct full school uniform. This policy is generally well supported by students and their families. However, there are a small minority of students who at times choose not to comply.


Common issues we are faced with can include:

For Boys

  • Incorrect shoes
  • Non Staughton branded school pants/shorts
  • Visible undergarments
  • Non Staughton branded headwear such as hats and beanies
  • Non Staughton Jackets or hoodies

For Girls

  • Incorrect shoes
  • Incorrect hosiery (Black leggings, black/blue stockings rather than navy blue opaque tights & coloured socks rather than white)
  • Visible undergarments
  • Non Staughton branded scarves
  • Non Staughton Jackets or hoodies


The Student Operation Team and staff understand that there may be some rare instances when it is difficult for a student to wear their full school uniform. There is a Staged Response system in place for such occasions, however, it is more important that students comply fully with the uniform policy whenever they can.


The Student Operation Team believes strongly that wearing the full school uniform improves school safety and creates a sense of belonging.


Once again, we take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of students, parents and families who fully support and comply with the school uniform policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your relevant Year Level Coordinator.


Student Operations Team