2017 Reflection

2017 Reflection

2017 has been another exciting year for our EAL team. Along with all the usual successes that celebrate the diverse range of cultures we have within our school community, we have had immense success and enjoyment with the ongoing development of our EAL students.


This publication is a credit to the fabulous work that happens within our EAL team between all the students and staff involved.  It is a celebration of the successful relationship between Staughton and wider community.


Fantastic effort to all the EAL team and their students for 2017.







EAL Team 2017:

Ms. Spiteri
Ms. McGuinness
Ms. Hemiak
Ms. Favero
Ms. Davis
Ms. Medina
Ms. Spiteri
Ms. McGuinness
Ms. Hemiak
Ms. Favero
Ms. Davis
Ms. Medina

Felicity Hemiak

Dallas McGuinness

Erin Favero

Anette Davis

Tanele Spiter

Yvette Medina










Performance and Development Team Leader