Sports News

Wheel Chair Basketball:
On Friday the 28th of July, we had Gary from ‘Wheel talk’ come out to run some wheel chair basketball classes for our year 11 PE students. The talk related to the students physical activity unit and covered barriers that some people face in physical participation. Students loved the session and it was great to see them step out of there comfort zone in a challenging situation.
lunchtime coming soon. We are looking forward to being involved with the Presentation Ball.
We recently had our luncheon at Schnitz. It was a great way to get to know each other.
Intermediate Sport:
On Thursday the 3rd of August CSC had teams go out and verse schools in our district for Basketball, Handball and Table Tennis. All teams represented the school extremely well with the Intermediate girls winning the Handball competition and the Intermediate Boys winning the Basketball. The Intermediate Boys are now through to the Prelim finals in October, well done!
Mr Yong took our senior Boys Badminton team out on Monday the 31st July, with the boys coming 3rd overall, well done.
Mr lynch is also taking the year 8 girls team, which are playing tomorrow at the region Badminton final, good luck.
Region Cross country
7 students represented the college at the region cross country meet, with Mehdi Hassani wining the state competition as our AWD representative. Fantastic result, well done.
Melinda Campbell
HPE Leader