Teach  the Teacher has come to Cranbourne Secondary College


This year at CSC we have been lucky enough to be working with VicSRC to implement a program called "Teach the Teacher". This program involves a group of students working together, with the help of the VicSRC, to identify an issue within the school that the student body would like to address. After they identify the issue and gather the ideas and opinions of their peers, the students involved in the program put together a professional development session for teachers in the school in order to address this issue and to work out an action plan aiming at bringing about change. This is an opportunity for students to have a voice about their schoooling and empowers students to have a genuine impact.

We had our first session on Thursday 3rd August with a wonderful turnout of around 30 staff and 35 students. I was incredibly proud of all the students who volunteered to be a part of the program, giving up their time and making a stand for what they believe in. I am eager and excited to see all that the students will accomplish through this program, and I am proud to be a part of a school that so genuinely welcomes this initative.


Heidi Gunn

Student Leadership Co-ordinator

The Presentation Ball was an amazing experience for us. We were amazed at the wonderful costumes that were worn during the evening. Sene and I worked hard to introduce each couple some of them had some funny things to say. The Dance sequences were really exciting to watch. We all got into dancing to the great sounds of the band as the night went on.


It really was a special evening to be the School captain on this night.


Stella Fili and Sene Smalley

School Captains


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