
Our temporary library

Library staff have spent the past few months planning and organising our smaller library space as works commence on the new school buildings, which will include a brand new library. Feedback from students has informed our decisions, and as a result we believe we have created a space which will suit the needs of the school community for the next 12 to 18 months. Our remodelled library includes a classroom area, VCE study space and comfortable reading corner, as well as a revamped genre fiction collection. Although a number of our print resources have had to be put into storage, our new ebook and audio book library will provide access to a range of reading materials for all to access via phone, tablet or computer.

Links to our library homepage and catalogue can be found on the library page of the new school website.

Library homepage

Library catalogue

Book Week in the Library

The end of August was a busy time in the Library as we celebrated Book Week with a number of special events. Our Literature Enrichment programs concluded with a Judges' Conference and lunch for all participants. We also welcomed local author (and CSC teacher) Ellie Marney to a special Morning Tea.

The last day of activities saw the Library converted into the Great Hall at Hogwarts, as lucky students from year 7 to 12 participated in a Harry Potter Experience Day. Organised and run by several of our senior students, our ‘Hogwarts’ students took part in a number of challenging activities, including Wand duelling, Beat the Basilisk, Pin the head on Fluffy, and an awesome Scavenger Hunt. We are pleased to announce that the winner of the House Cup for 2019 is Hufflepuff.

Melbourne Writers Festival

On Wednesday September 4th, fifteen students from year 7 through to year 10 travelled to Melbourne on the train to take part in the Melbourne Writers Festival, which this year was held at the State Library of Victoria. We were fortunate in being able to attend two entertaining sessions, including one by Amie Kaufman, co-author with Jay Kristoff of the internationally best-selling series The Illuminae Files, and the recently released Aurora Rising. We also attended a panel discussion on the theme ‘Love Letters throughout history’ with hosts Adolfo Aranjuez, Jodi McAlister and Alister Baldwin. Lunch at Melbourne Central and a quick trip to Readings Bookshop completed our visit to Melbourne.