Relay for Life

Relay for Life 2017
On 23 September, 67 SLC and Sports Leadership students joined together to participate in the Cancer Council’s Frankston Relay For Life. We walked from 4.00pm to 11.00am the next morning. It was a very exhausting but enjoyable time.
Before Relay for Life we did a lot of fundraising, ending up with over $12,500 going to the Cancer Council to help fight cancer. We all did our individual fundraising and did a huge group fundraiser at Village Cinemas, watching "Wonder Woman". Congratulations to Dylan Garrett (Year 10) for raising $1,340.
At Relay for Life there was a midnight marathon, which commenced exactly at midnight. We had three teams running the full marathon (100 laps) and three running the half marathon (50 laps). Each team had around five people and took it in turns to run laps.
On behalf of the students I would like to thank the many great teachers for coming because it wouldn’t have been such a success without you, especially Ms Chloe Edwards and Ms Carly Douglas.
Blake Shaw (Year 9)
SLC and Sports Leader