Harmony Day

Students let their colours shine on Harmony Day

Respect, inclusiveness and sharing are what Harmony Day is all about and all of these elements were part of the college's celebration on March 21 as students proudly 'let their colours shine'. Beautifully dressed in cultural clothing, colours that represented their heritage or the Harmony Week colour of orange, students and staff celebrated Harmony Day with a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony, a flag bearers' procession, performances by Indigenous, Samoan and Tongan community members and cultural immersion activities. 


It was heartwarming to see the 2023 Harmony Week theme of 'Everyone belongs' strongly embraced and joyfully displayed by our students. 


The college extends a huge thank you to Neil Cooper from ASHE and the ASHE students who carried out the smoking ceremony and Aboriginal dance, as well as Oferia Satele and the wonderful Tongan and Samoan dancers from Know Your Roots, and Cleaves for the donation of sand.