Learning Updates -

School of Wonder

Children immersed in incursion and celebrations


We were very fortunate to have the Bravehearts program attend our college on Wednesday, March 15. Children from Foundation to Year 2 attended the high-energy  and engaging presentation by Ditto. Ditto’s number 1 rule: We all have the right to feel safe with people. This highly-regarded program reinforces our ChildSafe policies at St Anne’s College.


Harmony Day celebrations

Harmony Day celebrations included activities from places and cultures around the world. Students participated in a range of activities from bocce to lantern making. Stories and experiences were shared, showcasing the many cultures in our college. For further coverage of the college's Harmony Day celebrations, please see the 'Harmony Day' page in this edition of il giornale.



Our first assembly is happening! It will be held on Monday, March 27 at 9:05am in the Tiered Collective. Families are invited to join us as we come together to celebrate the School of Wonder and the children's achievements. Thank you to Jasmine and her Pastoral Group for volunteering to host our first assembly.


Throughout the remainder of the year, we will have three assemblies each term. The dates and details will feature in our newsletters.



NAPLAN has taken place over the last week-and-a-half for our Year 3 children. Thank you to all Year 3 children who did their best throughout the testing. NAPLAN guides our Learning Mentors in the development of appropriate and engaging learning opportunities for children.


Learning conversations

Learning conversations will take place in Week 10. Further information will be communicated to families regarding booking a time.


 - Megan Shiner, School of Wonder Leader

Important update about new reading approach

As we embark on a new reading approach with our learners, we acknowledge the role of parents/carers and invite you to read the following information (attached below). If you have any questions please contact your child's Pastoral Group Leader. I understand that not everyone has a device at home. If this is the case for you, again I ask you to reach out to your child's Pastoral Group Leader and we can work together to set this up in an alternative way.


 - Megan Shiner, School of Wonder Leader



Zooper Dooper purchase limit 

In order to support School of Wonder children to make healthy choices, they will only be permitted to purchase one Zooper Dooper each on Tuesdays and Fridays as part of the college's fundraising efforts for Project Compassion. Children are encouraged to bring the correct money - $1.