From the Office 

News From the Principal

Raywood Primary School  Clean Up!

On March 3rd our school participated in the Clean Up Australia Schools' Event. This saw our students keenly put on some gloves and head out into the Raywood Community to collect any rubbish. We did notice that the areas were much tidier than when we did our clean up last year- so well done Raywood Community.

Despite being down on student rubbish collectors this year- due to illness and family trips, our small crew were amazing and should be warmly congratulated.

Thank You

We are so very grateful to the Terry Floyd Foundation for another donation of fresh produce for our students to enjoy. We are so fortunate to be supported by this foundation and each time we receive a box full of goodies we feel so special.


Last week each family will have received a box of groceries from the East Loddon Food Share. These boxes were lovingly packed by our senior students. Once again we are so very grateful to have such a generous and thoughtful organisation that is thinking of us and our families.

Last Chance  

Smile Squad is coming to this school.

The Smile Squad team from Bendigo Health are coming to our school late March 2023.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.

This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.

How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at: 

OR use the below QR code:


Please complete and submit the consent form by Monday 20th March 2023.

Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.

School Council

A reminder that our Annual General Meeting is being held this Monday at 5pm. This will be a short meeting and be followed by the regular March meeting. Please let Lisa or Bree know if you are unable to make it. 

Breakfast Club

How lucky have our students been over recent weeks with the quality of breakfasts available to them at Friday morning Breakfast Club. A huge thank you to Lily's Mum, Nicolette, and to Mr Collins for the fruit smoothies and banana pancakes that were served the week before last. (And yes that is ice-cream and toast on Laxford's plate- long story). 


 Also a thank you to Bree for her delicious waffles with sorbet, that were on offer last Friday.

Cross country

Each year the Campaspe Small Schools Cluster holds a Cross Country event for all of our students. This event is organised by Raywood Primary School via the very capable hands of Mr Hayden Collins. 

This year's event will once again be held at the Elmore Events Centre, but using a slightly different entry point and track to other years. We can organise transport for the students, however, if parents would like to come and watch (and transport their own students to and from the event) you are most welcome to do so. In fact, we would love to have some families cheering us on! 

The date for the event is Wednesday April 5th and we will need to be at the venue by 11.30am (for a 12 pm start)  which means we will be leaving school at 11am. The events conclude at 2.30pm and we will then travel back. 

A permission slip has been posted on uEducateUs for parents to sign  (even if you are attending and transporting your child/ren). Please let us know if your child/ren will not be requiring a ride to and from the venue, so we can organise the cars. 



This year we have a Year 3/4 camp and a Year 5/6 camp that our students in the relevant year levels may attend. Both camps will have staff and students from the six Campaspe Cluster Small Schools join us. 

Whilst we are still awaiting final costings and details, I thought it best to let families know the dates and an estimate of costs. We understand that for some families (especially those with more than one student attending camp) it is less of a financial burden if you can pay by instalments. Families are most welcome to pay small amounts each week/fortnight/month if they wish. Just contact Bree to arrange this. Some families may be eligible for the CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Funds) and they can use these funds to offset the costs. Please contact Bree in the office for more details regarding this funding. 

Yr 3/4 Camp details: Venue- Billabong Ranch, Echuca. Costing is estimated at $ 240 per student. Dates- Monday October 2nd to Wednesday October 4th. 

Yr 5/6 Camp details: Venue- Canberra. Costing is estimated at  $640 per student. Dates Monday November 20th to Friday November 24th. 

If you are not planning on sending your child to camp or wish to discuss anything further, please contact Lisa. 


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy

























