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2023 Dates

Term 1

Friday 24th March

Assembly 2.45 pm

Lots of socks day - World Down Syndrome Day

National ride or walk to school day

Monday 27th MarchGrades 5 & 6 Sports Gala Day
Tuesday 28th March

Foundation Responsible Pet Incursion

Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea ( purchase through QKR )

Thursday 30th MarchColour Run & Hot Cross Bun pick up (family orders)
Friday 31st MarchHarmony Day Performances ( please see the P. Arts page)
Mon 3rd - Thur 6th AprilParent-Teacher Interviews (WEBEX, details soon)
Tuesday 4th AprilGrade 1/2 Expo ' Healthy us ' 3.15 pm 
Wednesday 5th AprilEaster Egg Raffle - virtual draw
Thursday 6th AprilEnd of Term 1, 2.30 pm dismissal

Term 2

Monday 24th AprilStart of Term 2
Tuesday 25th AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday (no school)
Friday 5th MayKalinda PS House Cross Country
Tuesday 9th MayMothers Day Stall
Monday 15 - Friday19th Book Fair in Library ( times to be advised)
Thursday 18th MayKalinda PS  Open Night
Thursday 24th MayNational Simultaneous Storytime 11 am
Saturday 27th MayKalinda PS Working Bee 10-12
Monday 12th JuneKing Birthday Public Holiday

Wednesday 14th - 

Thursday 15th June

Kalinda Production 'What a Knight'. A-K families Wednesday, L-Z Thursday,  leading main roles both nights
Friday 23rd JuneEnd of Term 2, 2.30 pm dismissal

Term 3

Monday 10th JulyStudent-free day
Tuesday 11th July First day for students in Term 3
Wed 12th - Fri 14th JulyGrade 4 Camp
Sunday 16th JulyKalinda Working Bee 10 - 12
Wednesday 2nd AugustKalinda PS House Athletics
Wed 9th - Fri 11th  AugustGrade 3 Camp
Monday 14th AugustJunior Hooptime
Tuesday 22nd AugustFathers Day Stall
Tuesday 29th AugustCBCA Book Week Performances
Saturday 3rd SeptemberKalinda Working Bee
Friday 8th SeptemberSenior Hooptime
Friday 15th SeptemberEnd of Term 3, 2.30 pm dismissal

Term 4

Monday 2nd OctoberStart of Term 4
Tuesday 7th NovemberMelb Cup Public Holiday ( no school )
Sunday 26th November Kalinda Working Bee
Mon 27- Wed 29th NovGrade 5 & 6 Camp
Wed 6th DecemberChristmas Carols Night at Kalinda
Friday 8th DecemberStudent-free day
Wed 20th DecemberLast day of school, 1.30 pm dismissal


Walk, Ride, or Skate to School Day 2023


Are you coming to one of Australia’s biggest active travel events? 

Join Kalinda's parents, teachers & students from prep through to grade 6 for National Ride2School Day on Friday 24th March.


It is a day full of fun and exercise where students, teachers, and parents rediscover the joy of riding, scootering, skating, or walking. 


The key message is our school is participating in National Ride2School Day on Friday 24th March because research shows that active children are healthy, happy, and better learners. 

Walking, scooting, skating, or riding a bike to and from school is a great way to gain the essential 60 minutes of daily physical activity our children require. To raise awareness about the importance of active travel and to encourage healthy habits the school encourages students to bike ride, scoot, or walk to and/or from school on the day.  You might like to walk, scoot, skate, or ride a bike with a group of friends or you can drive part of the way and walk, skate, or ride the rest! 


Please remember road safety rules and always cross the road with an adult. Please walk your bike or scooter across the road, and use pedestrian crossings where possible. 


Walking, riding, or skating to school is a great way for children to have an impact on their environment and reduce the carbon emissions that come from cars. 

Meaning children are helping to protect their future by understanding the importance of pollution and doing something about it! 



National Ride2School Day | Bicycle Network


We can’t wait to see you there! 


From Claire, Jasmine and Siara. 

(Kalinda’s Sustainability Leaders) 


Future Term Dates

2024 enrolments


Do you know of any families who are starting Foundation in 2024?

Our tours are now open through try booking. Use this link to make a booking or call 98763289 to chat with our office staff. 


Shaun McClare (Principal) or Lauren Hopkins (Assistant Principal) will take the tour around the school and answer any questions the groups will have.


These tours are specifically for 2024 Foundation enrolments.












