Kalinda Colour Explosion


We are all looking forward to celebrating our great fundraising efforts by running on the oval at the Colour Explosion Fun Run NEXT WEEK on March 30th from 1.15pm-3.20pm! 

Remember to send your child to school in a WHITE T-shirt on Thursday March 30 for the Colour fun run day! And bring a towel or plastic bag for them to sit on in the car going home that day. 


Parents can still volunteer to help out on March 30 by following this link and choosing a time that suits you between 12.00pm- 4.30pm. There are lots of fun and easy ways to help on the day!  www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BA8A82EA1F9C16-colour#/

Volunteers will need a current WWCC and to sign in at the office 5min before their scheduled time. 


The colour powder is non-toxic and made from food-grade dye and corn starch. The list of specific ingredients can be found at the office for any parents who wish to know more. Students will be given rainbow sunglasses and headbands to wear for the colour fun run next week, and wipes will be available on the day too. 


Don’t forget to convert your child’s cash donations to online donations using a credit or debit card before our fundraiser closes on Friday 31st March. To convert your cash donations to online donations simply Count up all your cash donations, then make a donation on your online profile page using a credit or debit card (equal to the value of your cash donations) and keep the cash.


If your child doesn’t have an online profile page yet, there is still time to create one at www.australianfundraising.com.au. Every student wins a prize for every $10 they fundraise!


To celebrate the end of the Colour Explosion Fun Run for our school, all students will be given a Zooper Dooper Icy pole (in assorted flavours) at the conclusion of the Colour Fun Run. These icy poles will be provided free by the Kalinda Parents and Friends Team. 

Parents who would prefer their child to not receive a Zooper Dooper icy-pole, or if your child needs a sugar-free Zooper-Dooper icy pole , please contact the office on kalinda.ps@education.vic.gov.au by the 29th of March. 




Happy fundraising until next week! See you on March 30 for a splash of colour!

Kalinda Fundraising Team

Kalinda Fundraising Team

Colour Explosion Fun Run

Volunteer Info 

Thank you for getting involved with our school and giving your time to help make the Colour Explosion Fun Run at Kalinda Primary School a fun and colourful day for all!

  • Volunteers, please wear clothes you don’t mind getting colour powder splashed onto. Closed-toe shoes are recommended for safely moving equipment, but some parents may choose to wear thongs/sandals so they can easily wash off the colour powder. 
  • The Colour powder is non-toxic and made with corn-starch and food dye (a list of ingredients is available at the office).
  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your rostered time so you can sign in at the Office and show your WWCC.
  • After signing in, please meet an event coordinator at the oval. They will be wearing a Green “CREW” T-shirt or RAINBOW SKIRT. They will let you know where you will be needed for your timeslot. Please also notify a “CREW” member when you finish your shift. 
  • Setup of the oval will begin at 12pm. Pack up will commence from 3pm. If you would like to assist for longer than your scheduled time you are welcome to. 
  • Students will arrive at the oval at 1.15pm. Colour Fun Run will commence at 1.20pm. Each year level has 10min to run around the oval (ie: all Gr 1’s together). 
  • Students will be assembled along the tiered bench seats near the oval. 
  • There will be 2 running lanes. The inside lane is the Colour Powder lane. The outside lane is for students not wishing to be sprayed with colour powder. Students can weave in and out of the lanes to bypass the colour stations if they wish.
  • Volunteers on the colour powder spray, please aim for T-Shirts, torso and shorts. No Faces!  Wipes will be available at each colour spray table for children who feel they need them if they did get powder on their face. 

Thank you again for supporting our school and getting involved! Below is the timetable for the day and the oval map. Please contact Jo at kalindafestival@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Kalinda Fundraising team


Colour Explosion Fun Run Event Timetable




12.00- 1pm

Volunteers setup oval course and equipment.

White T-Shirt free dress day.


Lunch time, adjusted for Colour Run.

Oval off-limits to students for setup. 


Classes make their way to the oval


Students to be on the oval

1.20pm- 1.30pm

Grade 5 Classes

1.35pm – 1.45pm

Grade 4 classes

1.50pm – 2pm

Grade 3 classes

2.05pm- 2.15pm

Grade 2 classes

2.20pm – 2.30pm

Grade 1 classes

2.35pm – 2.45pm

Foundation classes

2.50pm – 3pm

Grade 6 classes

3.05pm – 3.30pm

P+F handout icy poles to students

Volunteers wipe down and pack up equipment

3.30pm -4pm

Finalise pack up

Kalinda Colour Fun Run oval map:



Other Events

Icy Pole Fridays will continue until 31st March.


All purchases are through Qkr!, so please jump on each week and shout your kids a frozen treat. 


Easter Egg Raffle

Tickets are now available for sale through QKR. 

Purchase 5 for $5, 10 for $10 or 15 for &15 and receive a bonus ticket in the draw.


We are currently collecting donations of the following items


          Wrapped chocolate Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies etc, in-date and no nuts

·         Blocks of chocolate in-date and no nuts

·         Wrapped lollies or full bags unopened, in-date and no nuts

·         Easter wrapping/gift bags/baskets

·         Cellophane


Warm Regards,

The P & F Committee.