Easter Hat Parade

Come and join us for some Easter Hat Fun!

Thursday 6th April


11 - 11.40- Picnic Lunch 


Join your child/ren for a picnic lunch. The canteen will be open with a cake stall and a sausage sizzle!  Please make sure you order your sausages from the canteen prior to the day using the order form that was sent home last week. 


11.50- 12.30- Easter Hat Parade and Easter Raffle Draw


All students will have the opportunity to make an Easter Hat for the parade.

K-2 will all make a hat AT SCHOOL. Students in 3-6 can decide if they want to make a hat and participate in the parade. Year 6 students will be helping their buddies to make hats. All hats will be made at school. Younger siblings (not at school yet) can join in the parade with their brothers and sisters. 

After the parade the winners of the Easter Raffle will be announced. Make sure you buy your tickets. 


Making Easter Hats


We like to keep this a child-centred activity so students will be making their own hats for the Easter Hat Parade at school. Students will need to bring items to make their hats to school by Friday 31st March.  

K- 2: All students will be making a hat for the parade

3 - 6: Students can decide if they would like to make a hat and will be provided with the time to make it at school.

Teachers will provide  items such as crepe paper, coloured paper, elastic, glitter etc. but we are asking all students to bring in additional items from home to make and decorate their hats. 

Students can:

  • Repurpose an old hat and decorate it with Easter items. 
  • Turn an easter basket into a hat and decorate it
  • Decorate a plastic hat from the craft store.
  • Decorate an ice cream container or small bucket.

It is totally up to their imaginations.

Some items that are great for making Easter Hats:

  • Easter craft chickens, rabbits or eggs 
  • Fake flowers
  • Stickers
  • Feathers
  • Buttons
  • Streamers