Career News

This term has been a busy time for students with many courses being organised and conducted during the term.


The Educational Pathway Program TAFE Taster courses have been run through TAFE in Hair and Beauty and Commercial Cooking. Students who undertook these courses which were held one day per week were given hands-on experience in real-life training to understand the work that is involved in these areas.


Interested students went to the Tamworth Health Forum run by the University of Newcastle. This was a very interesting day with different health occupations giving a talk and practical experience for the students. Some students had their arms plastered while others were able to make ointments and look at the equipment used in Occupational Therapy and Pharmacy.


Thirteen students involved themselves in a Plumbing course undertaken by the Regional Industry Employment Program. This was very successful with the participants and, although it was raining, students were still able to learn much about plumbing and construction, building a mock shower and a two-seater planting box for the school.


Next term, Civil Construction courses are running for 16+ students, Yes+ (EPP) is running Animal Care and Hospitality/Commercial Cookery. These courses are full and students wishing to undertake them in the future will need to read the student notices daily and be responsible to contact Ms Clark to get the paperwork signed and back. There is very little turnover time for these courses so students need to be organised.


Also, next term is the UNE Open Day. This is to be held on Friday 5th May. Students have been given the opportunity to put their names down for this important excursion for Year 11 and 12 students who are considering a tertiary institution.


Tamworth Career Expo will also be on the agenda for Year 10 students to participate in. Historically students have enjoyed this day out and see many industries that they may not have considered as future employment. This excursion is on Wednesday 17th May 2023. More information will come out very early next term.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask. Please phone the school and Ms Clark will be happy to assist you if possible.