Fun Run


Fantastic news! The students at Roselea are doing an outstanding job raising awareness and funds for the Fun Run. In just the first two days, we raised over $3500. As of the lines assembly last Tuesday in Week 8, I am thrilled to announce that our school has raised $12,000.


This impressive accomplishment is a testament to the incredible support and dedication of our students. To show our appreciation, the students who worked hard were rewarded with the opportunity to meet 'Spirit,' the Fun Run mascot, and pour confetti on Miss Fairgrieve. Additionally, I would like to congratulate the winners of our Fun Run colouring competition who were rewarded with a brand new deck of UNO cards and canteen vouchers!


Although we are not yet at our goal, we are well on our way. Therefore, I encourage everyone to continue promoting the Fun Run to their friends and family. Together, we can make a significant difference and support this important cause. Let's keep up the excellent work, Roselea!