Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Parent Teacher Interviews 

Our parent/teacher interviews are on next week. All interviews will be held in your child’s classroom. It is a great time for you to connect with your child’s teacher and gain some in depth knowledge about their learning goals. Bookings are now closed however if you would like a timeslot, please contact your child’s teacher. 


Harmony Week

This week is Harmony Week. Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ At Roselea PS we will be celebrating Harmony Day on Monday 27th March. We would love to see our community get involved as well. Please come along and wear your traditional cultural dress and attend our Harmony Day assembly that will be held first thing in the morning at 9.15am under the COLA. More information is in the upcoming events section of the newsletter. 



When dropping off and picking up your children please do everything that you can to ensure the safety of your children and the local community. Please be aware of the following:

  • Our driveway is directly next to a residential driveway. When waiting for your children in the afternoon, please be aware of this and if possible, wait inside the white bollards.  When walking across the driveway, we should always be aware that it could be in use. 
  • Police often patrol the local area at drop off time. Please do not stop over driveways, in no stopping zones or try 3 point turns across North Rocks Road by turning into our school driveway to drop off your children. 

Whilst we want students to arrive to school on time, it is far more important that they arrive safely. Thank you for your help. 


Student illness 

Over the past few days we have had many students come up to the office with flu like symptoms. Please do not send your child to school if they are displaying such symptoms. We want to keep our community as healthy as possible as we move into the cooler months. Please also continue to notify our school if your child tests positive to COVID-19. Thank you for your assistance.



All community members are welcomed and encouraged to come along to our ANZAC Day assembly on Wednesday 5th April. It is such a special day in our school calendar. The assembly will start at 9.30am and we will then have a morning tea for any community members in attendance. We hope you can join us.  


Fun Run 

Our P&C fun run is fast approaching. The event is 2 weeks from today. The students are super excited for the day and have been hard at work trying to raise funds. The P&C led by Sara G have done an amazing job organising the event. Thank you! 


Principal Awards


Principal Bronze Awards