Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., Art, Music and Digital Technologies) and Library...

Physical Education

Over the past few weeks, our Prep students displayed enthusiasm and determination as they focused on their soccer skills in the gym. They have been practicing how to kick a soccer ball correctly. Not only were they aiming to score goals, but also pass the ball to their friends as they worked on their teamwork skills. Students were working on taking turns while playing games. 


Catching a ball properly is another important skill the students have been focusing on. Our students have really tried their best to follow the Big 10. It's nice to watch them working together and having fun while getting better at playing!  

Visual Arts

Our Year 1 and 2 students eagerly dove into the world of clay sculpting this week, brimming with excitement! The focus for our lesson was exploring nature and understanding how we can contribute to environmental care. After watching a video on planet-friendly ideas, the students got started! As part of their sculpting process, the students crafted circular or oval flat discs, onto which they carefully pressed imitation leaves of various kinds to create unique impressions. Utilizing clay modelling tools, they skilfully added intricate details and decorations to their sculptures. I can’t wait for next week when the students will bring their creations to life with vibrant watercolour paint!

Digital Technologies

Last week, our Year 3 and 4 students embarked on a new project creating their own rover using Vex Go. We took inspiration from the Mars Rovers and learnt about their navigation across the tricky terrain collecting data. Then, students used Lego-like pieces and a set of instructions to build a programmable rover in small groups. This week, students learned to connect and drive their rovers to make shapes testing the speed and accuracy of their machines. Students will build upon their advancing coding skills by using commands, loops and if statements to program their robots to move around an obstacle course in the coming we


In our Year 5 and 6 Music Program we have been learning music from various cultures. We have been looking at signature rhythms from specific countries and learning how to play them with drums and other percussion instruments. We have enjoyed looking at parts of Africa, India, Brazil and the Cuba just to name a few.


We have also kept up with our guitar playing, learning a 5 song medley featuring our new chord; A Minor.


Last week we introduced a new instrument to the SMPS Music Program, the Kalimba. The Kalimba is a tuned percussion instrument that is around 3000 years old from the West Coast of Africa. Our students have been super engaged when learning this calming instrument.


We look forward to showcasing our Choirs, Marimba Band and Rock Band at the Christmas Concert on Friday 8th December 2023. More details will be shared via Compass. We hope to see you there!


Last week was the final week for Library borrowing. This week Years 2 - 6 will be visiting the Library to return all their books and read quietly.


All library books are due back by Friday December 1st. Books can be returned at any time to the library and placed in the book return box.