Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...


Dates to Remember:

  •   Friday 1st December: Botanical Gardens Excursion


Home Reading Books

If you find any books belonging to the school at home, please return them as soon as possible. School books can be identified by a pink numbered sticker or a South Melbourne PS stamp on the inside page.

Work and Books Coming Home

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending work and books home for families to keep and enjoy. With this in mind, we ask that students bring a named carrier bag to school before Monday 4th December so that we can start the process. 


School Uniform 

As the year comes to a close we know how much our Prep students have grown! The Prep team is seeking any unwanted or outgrown school uniform for 2024 to support with any accidents that may occur. If you can support with any donations, please place them in your child's school bag. Any extra donations will be passed onto the school's second hand uniform shop. 

Year 1

Dates to Remember:

  •  Tuesday 28th November: All borrowed library books to be returned 


Library and Home Reading Books

As we approach the year's end, we appreciate your assistance in checking for any library books your child may have borrowed over the past year. Should you discover any school books at home, we kindly ask you to return them as soon as possible. You can identify school books by either a yellow numbered sticker or a South Melbourne PS stamp on the inside page.

Year 2



Thank you for supporting your child to complete their Mathseeds. Last week, 46/54 children in our cohort completed their 1 lesson. We hope this trend will continue into the final weeks of the term with your child completing 1 lesson of Mathseeds each week. Please note that Sunday is the start of a new week. 


Please continue to support your child to read 4 nights a week for 15 minutes. This is to be written in your child's diary and signed. Diaries are to come to school every day. Thank you for your ongoing support of your child's homework routine.



In the final weeks, your child will not borrow from the library. This is an opportunity for your child to look for any library books at home and to return them as soon as possible. This will ensure that other children can enjoy the books for the remainder of the year and into next year. Thank you for your support with this.    

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Friday 1st December: Year 3 and 4 Soccer Gala Day at Murphy's Reserve


Soccer Gala Day

Next Friday, students will travel to Murphy's Reserve for Soccer Gala Day. Please ensure students attend school in P.E. uniform with a packed lunch and water bottle. We are still seeking parent volunteers to assist on the day. If you are willing and have a current WWCC please email Miss Delani: or Miss Ciona:


Library Books

This week was the last week for students to borrow books from the school library. Your child may have been sent home with a overdue library book list in their school bag. We kindly ask that you look for these books at home and return to the school as soon as possible. 

Year 4

Dates to Remember: 

  • Tuesday 28th November: All borrowed library books to be returned
  •  Friday 1st December: Year 3 and 4 Soccer Gala Day at Murphy's Reserve


Accelerated Reader Targets

So far, 51 out of 77 Grade Four students have reached their Accelerated Reader points target for this term. It has been great to see so many students taking responsibility for their learning by ensuring they are reading for half an hour each night. Students have until Friday 1st December to reach their targets. Please check in with your child about their progress.


Soccer Gala Day

Next Friday, students will travel to Murphy's Reserve for Soccer Gala Day. Please ensure students attend school in P.E. uniform with a packed lunch and water bottle. We are still seeking parent volunteers to assist on the day. If you are willing and have a current WWCC please email Miss Delani: or Miss Ciona:

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 28th November: All borrowed library books to be returned 


Accelerated Reader Targets 

Please continue to encourage your child to read each evening after school. Students have until Friday 1st of December to reach their Accelerated Reader volume and comprehension targets. 


Library Books

As the year draws to a close, we kindly ask that you have a check in your homes for any library books that your child may have borrowed during the year. Our final visit to the school library will be happening on Tuesday the 28th of November and we will return all of our books to Miss Zoe on this date. 

Year 6

Dates to Remember

  • Tuesday 28th November: All borrowed library books to be returned 
  • Monday 4th December: Year 6 Excursion to Gravity Zone! 
  • Tuesday 12th December: Orientation Day for high school. Please check with your child’s prospective high school if they will be hosting an orientation day. 
  • Thursday 14th December: Year 6 Graduation from 5pm to 7pm. If you haven’t already done so, please accept the invitation on Compass & don’t forget to send a Year 6 teacher a cute baby photo of your child! 



Even at this stage of Term 4, homework expectations remain. AR targets are due by the end of Week 9. Please check in with your child to see how they are tracking and if they have reached their target. Maths homework will continue to be assigned with a minimum requirement of 200 points.