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Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP)

We are excited to share that about 10% of our Year 4 and 5 students have been chosen by the Department of Education to participate in the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) in Term 1 next year. This involves attending weekly extension classes in Writing or Maths with other high-ability students from schools across Victoria.


This is a significant number of students. It is even more impressive given that a number of our current Year 5 students have already completed one or both programs and are therefore not eligible to participate again.


If we were to continue at this rate, we would expect about 40% of Years 5 and 6 students to be involved in the next year. To have this many students working at such a high level in comparison to the state is a fantastic achievement.


When we share information about VHAP, we often get a number of families reaching out to enquire about their child participating. The process is:

  1. The Department of Education provides a list of students who they suggest participate each term. This is based on the child's NAPLAN performance and their school report marks.
  2. It is then up to schools to choose which students from the list would benefit from the program. At SMPS, we choose to invite all students from the list each term. We know our families are eager for their children to participate. We haven't had a family turn it down yet!
  3. Families are provided with information about the class and the required commitments as there is additional homework involved.
  4. Consent is gathered from families.
  5. Classes begin the following term.

We assure you that we will let you know if your child is selected.

Information About VHAP

The following information is provided from Virtual Schools Victoria, who delivers all VHAP classes.


Virtual School Victoria is delivering the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) to high-ability students in Years 5-8, at all Victorian State Schools.


VHAP consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English for both primary and secondary levels. Students engage in synchronous Webex classes with their teachers. They can also engage with the course material on VSV Online outside of the class time.


The VHAP classroom provides students with the opportunity to:

  • explore and express their ideas freely
  • make their own decisions about their work
  • be inspired and challenged by each other
  • gain confidence in their choices and abilities
  • feel excited by their learning.

In the VHAP English course, we explore links between reality and fiction by observing the world around us and our journeys into fictional worlds. VHAP English empowers students through cultivating confidence and a willingness to take academic risks.


In the VHAP maths course, students embrace the “why” of maths, not just the “what”. Students and teachers dive into the philosophical implications of mathematical topics.


There are opportunities for differentiation within the course. Students can choose to work at a pace comfortable for them or be extended.


VHAP promotes development of key skills such as teamwork, collaboration and resilience.


The program is a safe space for high-ability students to stretch their wings, encounter change and challenge, and confront fears around making “mistakes.”