School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

Parent Payment Arrangements 2024

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the families who contributed to our school in 2023. Your financial support enables us to provide high-quality learning programs enriched with materials, devices, online apps, and resources, all of which are essential in our pursuit of student excellence.


We are pleased to announce that we have finalised the parent payment arrangements for 2024. You can review the details on our website. We invite all families to begin making their 2024 contributions via Compass. Early payments are welcomed and greatly appreciated as they help us prepare for the upcoming school year. We appreciate your ongoing financial support, which plays a crucial role in ensuring our school provides the best possible education for your children.


As an incentive to help us fund our school device program, any families of Year 3 students going into Year 4, that pay their Laptop contribution by Friday 8th December, will receive a new laptop prior to the end of the school year.

2024 Enrolments

If you have a Kindergarten aged child and have not submitted the enrolment form for your Prep starting in 2024, please do so immediately as we need to finalise our class numbers and commence the process of placing students into classes for next year. If you require any further information on enrolling your child, please do not hesitate to drop into the office, call us on 9935 9399 or e-mail Kirsty at and we will happily answer your queries.

SMPS Enrolment Form

2024 Exits - Are You Leaving?

If you have any intentions to unfortunately leave SMPS in the near future due to travel or moving house, please let the school office know. Your decision doesn't need to be confirmed and doesn't mean your child loses their spot if you change your mind but giving us a heads up is very helpful. This information is vital for the school to plan staffing and place students into classes for 2024.  We don't want any children to be stuck in classes that are too big or only have a few kids, but this relies on us knowing who will be here. If you suspect you may be moving house, travelling overseas or you know your visa is expiring, please inform the school via email:

Letting us know in advance will also assist the school in following up on devices and if you wish to buy them out or not. 

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) 

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides part payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

This Government funding is to help ensure government and non-government students from lower-income families are able to participate in camps, sports and excursions each year. 

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply.  Below is a list of some of the means tested cards that are accepted:

  • Age Pension (AGE)
  • Austudy Payment (AUS)
  • Bereavement Allowance (BVA)
  • Disability Support Pension (DSP)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Concession Card (CC)
  • Job Seeker (JSP)
  • Newstart Allowance (NSA)
  • Parenting Payment (PP)
  • Partner Allowance (PTA)

Payments for 2024 are:

  • $150 per year for eligible primary school students
  • $250 per year for eligible secondary school students.

Payments are made directly to the school:

  • from March onwards each year where the parent/carer’s concession card is assessed as valid on the first day of Term 1 and
  • until 28 June where the parent/carer’s concession card is assessed as valid on the first day of Term 2.

Payments are for the application year and cannot be claimed for previous years.

Applications are now open for 2024 payments.

Year 7 and Prep students in government schools who are eligible for CSEF are also eligible to receive financial help with the provision of some school uniform items and school shoes through State School Relief.  

These orders are placed through the school on your behalf.

If you hold a Current Concession or Health Care Card, please provide a Copy to the school office so that we may be able to apply for CSEF and State Schools Relief uniform items for your child.

In some instances, State Schools Relief can be applied to families experiencing financial hardship, we would like to help ease the burden if we can.

Please find attached the CSEF Application Form for eligible card holders - fill in a return to the school office if this applies to you.  Further information can be found at Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.

Please contact the school office on 9935 9399 if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss your financial situation in confidence.


SMPS Administration Team

Uniform Items Needed 

If you have any SMPS uniform items or good quality school shoes that your child has outgrown, we would love to be able to put them back into circulation for another family to benefit from.  We are always looking for uniform donations for our Second-Hand Uniform Shop, particularly now as we have our new Prep families preparing for their child to start school next year.  Please wash any quality, unmarked, pre-loved Bob Stewart uniform items and drop them off to the office at a time convenient to you.  If you would like to help out with your time, please get in touch with the FAF and let them know, just one hour or so on a Wednesday afternoon is all that is needed!  We wouldn't have a SHUS without your generous donations and time!

Get in touch if you can help -