Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Welcome to the Week 9 edition of our iNewsletter. Thanks to the 46 parents who partook in my recent survey regarding natural/artificial grass on the forecourt. As I expect with any vox pop survey, the results were split around 50-50. It goes to show that when you make any decision, about 50% of your audience think you are a genius and the other 50% think you are deluded and not listening. I will take this data to School Council to discuss, as any action ultimately lies with this group who are the decision-making body of our wonderful school.  


Today is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Globally, an estimated 736 million women - almost one in three - have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life. Something is terribly wrong here, folks!


As I look at the little faces of the female population in our school, I wonder what life we are creating for them and how they can be empowered to be seen as equals as they mature. I also wonder what attitudes and behaviours we need to engender in our male population so this damning global statistic does not sustain. All genders need our support to make safe and right decisions in their lives. Let's work together so that safety and respect wins out through the lessons of our love, regardless of our base beliefs. SMPS represents a 'great experiment' in mixing cultures, creeds, lifestyles and religions. I cannot conceive of a world where hurting women is a good idea. We should be the shining light for our children on so many levels. Their future (not so much ours) depends on it.


Lastly, I wish anyone affected by conflict anywhere in the world the best. I hope peace and resolution is the goal of our world leaders. Empathy to anyone who is feeling sad or anxious. The world can be a tough place - let's create an improved version for our precious children. 

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December Intentions

  • On Friday 15th December, at approximately 2:00pm we will be having our Final Whole School Assembly of the year! Parents are welcome to attend. We will finish at 3:30pm. 
  • Many families have indicated that they will be leaving for their holidays that weekend and will therefore not be attending school on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December.
  • We kindly ask that you state your intentions for your child(ren's) attendance on these dates so we can plan accordingly. 
  • Wednesday 20th December is a student-free day and the OSH club will be open for those who need to use their services.
  • Click on this link and complete the survey.

Volunteer Morning Tea - Thursday 7th December 9:10am-9:50am

We are inviting any volunteers that have offered their support throughout the year to our 'Thank You Volunteers Morning Tea'. It will be on the forecourt if weather permits, otherwise it will be in the library. We aim to provide some free tea/coffee and snacks as a small token of our appreciation.


Thank you so much for your extra time and effort throughout this year. From excursions to BBQ’s and so much more, you make these extra special events possible for our students and families. 


If you think we may have missed someone, please invite them along for a chance for us to say thank you in person and offer some tea/coffee and snacks. Apologies if you can not make this time. 


Please complete this short survey (click here) so we can plan for how many people will be attending and purchase enough supplies for everyone.