Year 3/4 Team News 

Here’s what has been happening in 3/4!


Here’s a snapshot of what the 3/4 learning community have been up to!  Due to a great start to the year, students have settled well into the learning routines that have been established.


In Reading this term, we started with a focus on choosing good fit, high interest books and developing our reading stamina. Students have demonstrated positive independent reading behaviours and buddy reading behaviours. As the term has progressed, we have focused on reading comprehension strategies such as the Main Idea, Summarising and Fact and Opinion. Here are some of our avid readers engaged in their buddy reading!


So far in Year 3/4 we have worked solidly to embed high expectations when writing independently using the writing process of planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing their work.  Students have demonstrated how they can stay in one spot the whole time, write quietly and really immerse themselves in their own creativity.  Students have written persuasive and narrative texts using strong beginnings we call ‘sizzling starts’ and how to build the care factor for a character.  Have a look at our amazing writers hard at work!!



Our Maths this term has focused on setting ourselves up for success during mental maths and the completion of rich tasks. We have explored the concept of the ‘Learning Pit’ and have been developing strategies to help us embrace this when we find ourselves stuck during a task. So far we have looked at topics including Data and Money, as well as just recently finishing our first Place Value unit. Students have led their own exploration into 4 and 5 digit numbers with a strong focus on the value of digits and what makes numbers odd or even. Check out how we are using our maths resources to help support our thinking! 


Kathy Barley 3/4A, Jane Knight & Di Parkin 3/4B, Holly McConnell 3/4C, 

Danni Chambers and Kianna McCulloch