Principal's Report


As we approach the Easter break, I would like to take a moment to wish you all a happy and safe holiday. Whether you're planning on spending time with family or enjoying some well-deserved rest and relaxation, I hope this break will be an enjoyable one for you.  This break is an excellent opportunity for all of us to take a step back, recharge our batteries, and spend quality time with our loved ones.


Over the holidays, I set you all a challenge. Before you go to sleep each night, identify one thing that you are grateful for. It can be big or small; the important thing is to value the moment and train our brains to focus on the great things in our lives. Remember, gratitude is a powerful tool for improving our wellbeing and happiness, and it doesn't have to be reserved for special occasions.


We are excited to welcome you back to school on Wednesday, April 26th and to hear all about the amazing things you did over your break. 




I feel compelled to acknowledge and thank all of our staff for their incredible commitment and hard work over the past 5 weeks in ensuring we have been able to continue to provide care for our students before and after school. It has been an incredibly challenging period for everyone, but I could not be more grateful for the way everyone has come together to get it done. Thank you also to our parents for their support with tasks such as cutting up fruit, helping with afternoon tea and their general appreciation and thanks. Challenging situations are a test of the culture of schools and any businesses and whilst we don’t want to ever experience this type of thing again, it has highlighted how incredible our school community truly is. 

Finally, I would like to celebrate our students who have shown such high levels of resilience throughout this time. We have loved the way they have embraced the structure, responsibilities and challenges we have created in the program and we will work closely with Camp Australia to ensure these successful strategies and approaches continue into next term. 


It was great to have members of Camp Australia at the school on Monday night to present to our parents about OSHC moving forward. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any support as we transition to our new provider. Just a reminder that holiday care is available at neighbouring providers through Camp Australia and our service will recommence on Wednesday 26th April. 




We wanted to remind everyone that we have a Curriculum Day (student-free day) coming up on Monday, April 24th. The focus of this is for our staff to build their capacity and reflect upon our assessment practices here at OPPS.


Please note that this day falls before ANZAC day and we will see all our students back at school on Wednesday, April 26th, for the beginning of Term 2.




A huge congratulations to all our lucky winners, we hope you enjoy your hampers filled with delicious goodies.


We want to give a big shout-out to our Parent and Friends group for putting together such amazing hampers and organising the major prize. We're incredibly grateful for their hard work and dedication to making our school community even more amazing. Stay tuned next term for some announcements around where all of this incredible fundraising is going to be directed towards within our school. 



As we head into the colder months of the year, we would like to remind all families about our school uniform policy. We kindly request that all families review our uniform policy on the school website, paying particular attention to the guidelines regarding pants and shoes. We are flexible in that we do not enforce a summer and winter uniform; our priority is always the comfort and safety of our students.


While we understand the importance of keeping warm during the winter months, we ask that students do not wear leggings in place of pants or shorts. Leggings can be worn underneath the uniform to provide extra warmth, but should not be used as a replacement for appropriate pants or shorts.


We would also like to remind families that all school shoes must be plain black, in accordance with our uniform policy. This ensures that all students are dressed appropriately and maintain a clean appearance while at school.


Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to maintain a safe and comfortable learning environment for all our students. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our uniform policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.