Spotlight on Curious Learning

Chess Club

Congratulations to our Chess Club Winners. 

Well done to Harry I, Joshua B, and Nicholas F.

Buddy Reading

Kindergarten students are learning to read! 


This is a very exciting time for students and teachers as students are beginning to read. Students are involved in modelled and shared reading experiences, small group reading experiences with the teacher and a buddy reading program with Year 6. Twice a week, Year 6 come down and read with their buddies. 


Why do Kinder students love buddy reading?

‘I love buddy reading because I get to spend time with my buddy.’ - Mason D


‘I like reading stories so much with my buddy.’ - Eavean 


‘I love reading with my buddy because she is a good reader.’ - Sienna M


‘I like to read with my buddy because I get to spend time with him.’ - Mason C


‘ I love reading with my buddy because she is beautiful’ - Emma


‘ I love seeing my buddy and listening to them read.  I get to see my buddy for reading.’ Josh 


Not only do our buddies like to read together they also like to pray together and that’s why we are having a Year 6/Kindergarten Buddies Family Mass on Saturday 29th April at 5.30pm. Please come! 


Kindergarten children will be receiving a storybook about Our Lady of Fatima at the Mass. It is going to be a beautiful celebration of friendship and positive relationships in what will soon be the Season of Easter.

NSW Premier's Reading Challenge


This year Our Lady of Fatima has again registered for the Premier’s Reading Challenge for those interested students who have a love of reading.


The NSW Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is an initiative of the NSW State government. It aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student - to read, to read more, and to read more widely.


The Challenge runs until 18 August. Students who successfully complete reading a minimum of 20 books for the challenge (including 10 from the PRC list of books) will be awarded a certificate. 


You can access the booklists for each year group using the following link:

Good luck and happy reading!!

The Library Team